Like all the other giveaways, just post a comment, any comment, by Midnight PT on Monday, July 23. Winner will be announced on Tuesday, July 24.
Head Country BBQ sauce is awesome - make sure you enter!
A blog by mom/graphic designer, Jane Maynard, with the best husband and daughters in the world who tries to cook dinner daily and couldn't do it without Trader Joe's.
Count me in!
Wow your site is amazing. I LOVE the concept. My mouth is watering at 8:00 a.m. just scrolling down through blogs, menus, and pictures. I feel like this format is about the only thing that could inspire me to plan and make some dinners.
bring on the bbq!
I hope, I hope I win.
Love your site! Thanks for the giveaway! I am also having a giveaway on my site!
Count me in--thanks Jane!
mmmmmm...love those ribs! I hope I win!
Sounds delicious. I hope I win. :)
Ooh, I love new marinades!
boy do I need this! I require help to impress Texans in the bbq dept.
Sweet! I'm in, too!
Sounds great...I want it! :
I need to figure out more about bbqing... I think this would be a perfect start!
Sounds fabulous!
count me in!
i need a win jane... don't forgot about me and my chili!
Bring on the sauce!! WOOT!!!
Ever since your ribs post we've been in BBQ mode...It inspired us. Sorry about all the CHILI the other night...It is too much for a pregant palate, I know. This giveaway looks yummy.
I like your giveaways, Jane, Fun!
Ooohhh more condiments! I can't resist!
mmmm, ever since your post about Country Head BBQ sauce, I've been wondering what it tastes like. It's too hot to cook inside, so I've been BBQ-ing a lot lately.
I've been wanting to try this since your ribs post. I hope I win!
bbq gift wow!
so nice of you madam thank you
me me me me me!!!
pick me, pick me, pick me!!!
i'm in!
Yum! What a fun idea...
Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum. YUM!
I love BBQ!
My husband loves ribs. Maybe free BBQ would convince me to try them. ;)
I LOVE trying new sauces!
I got very lucky the last giveaway, so I'll try again. This is a lot of fun.
sounds good to me!
Looks good! I love bbq!
Head Country BBQ would be delish hot off the grill!
count me in!
I want some sauce!
looks good to me
I'm crossing my fingers this time!
Pick Me! Pick Me!
I love a good sauce !
i hope i win!
I love the BBQ..
Yum, yum, extra yum. I want to try it out!
I'm in!
Go Yankees!
I love this blog! And I'd love it 100 times more if I won some yummy bbq sauce!
Sounds like fun!
so i might not deserve this win; i'm not a bbq fan. but maybe it's because i haven't had a mean bbq sauce. i guess i just have to win to tell :)
We are always looking for bbq sauce.
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