Thursday, October 11

Featured Recipe: The Perfect Cookie

The recipe I'm sharing with you today is amazing, if I do say so myself. In fact, it's one of those recipes that I'm hesitant to even share with know, kind of like that crazy new psycho character on Desperate who won't share the lemon meringue pie recipe? That's a little how I feel...these cookies make me look GOOD, and if others can make them, I lose my magic. At the same time, I think people who don't share recipes are, well, a little shallow and mean. So, the real question is do I want friends or do I want to have that secret cookie recipe that people are willing to break into my house for? Believe it or not, this was a tough decision, but I've decided I like being popular more, so you get the recipe.

Seriously, these cookies are perfect. I guess the official name is "Chocolate Oatmeal Coconut Cookie" but that is so boring and doesn't really fall off the tongue so easily, so let's just call it The Perfect Cookie. Where did I get the recipe from? The name on my original recipe card says Barbara Boczany. I have no idea who Barbara Boczany is. But she makes a damn good cookie. I have adjusted the recipe, so let's just say it's mine. Yeah, that sounds good. Click here for the secret (and no, not THAT secret, but the yummy cookie secret, which is WAY better).


Deborah said...

Well, since we don't live near each other, you don't have to worry about me showing up to your bbq, bringing these cookies and taking all of the glory for myself!! Thanks for sharing! (And now I really want to know what the secret ingredient is in that lemon meringue pie...)

Angie said...

These look divine, and I was just looking for a recipe to make with the kids! Thank you for taking the popular road!

Ali said...

Mmmmm, these look so good!

ellen said...

I went to make them last night at 11:15pm and I had about 2 T of brown sugar. Imagine my disappointment! I will do some shopping for baking staples this weekend.

Jenny said...

I found your blog through someone else's and I have enjoyed reading all of your recipes. Those cookies look delicious! I just started a food blog as well, check it out if you'd like. Great job with your blog.

Jenny said...

Sorry, I meant to type

Jules said...

HA! I was cracking up when I saw the lemon meringue pie thing on Desperate Housewives. I would love to know what she did! Isn't that silly? It's not even real!

jane maynard said...

quick note everyone - originally this was a chocolate CHUNK recipe, but I changed it to mini chocolate chips...that's one of the things that makes it "perfect" - it's good with other size chocolate, but the mini chips are just right for this recipe. :)

ellen said...

I bought some brown sugar this weekend and made the cookies tonight -- 5 stars!!!

jane maynard said...

so glad they came out!! :)

Stephanie said...

I made these cookies last night - and you are right - they are the "perfect cookies."

At first, I was worried that they were burning because the edges turned a very crisp brown...but then we tasted them. They were delicious - light, buttery, and rich. This one is definitely going in my recipe box. Thanks for sharing!

jane maynard said...

stephanie - I think that every time I make them! I can't really figure out how to solve the edge problem, but like you said, they taste so good, even the edges! :)

eatme_delicious said...

I can totally understand about not being sure if you want to share this amazing cookie recipe! But I'm really glad you did. I haven't tried it yet but I can't wait to.

jane maynard said...

you'll love them! :)

Anonymous said...

You're right!! These are the BEST cookies I've ever made. They are wonderful, and I am a big cookie critic!! Thanks!