Wednesday, October 17

Real Live Carrot Sticks

I like baby carrots as much as the next guy, but REAL carrots taste so much better. Usually I'm too lazy to drag out the cutting board, peeler & knife (sad, I know). But once in a while I do and it is SO WORTH THE EFFORT. Regular, grown-up, non-baby carrots just taste great, raw or cooked. Since I was lazy with the main course last night (thank you Mr. Manwich), I decided I could take the time to cut up a few carrot sticks. The result: yum, especially with that oh so healthy ranch dip.


gina said...

I'm totally there with ya! Better yet, garden carrots taste even better than the store bagged carrots! Oh, And dip is a must have when it comes to raw veggies. Hey, I'm still getting the nutrients from the veggies with a side of thunder thighs! It's a fair trade don't ya think!!! Gina

jane maynard said...

you are so right! you know what I haven't had in literally YEARS are home garden tomatoes. THAT definitely can't be beat by any other tomato out there. Too bad I have the blackest thumb this side of, well, the world...

thunder thighs are cute. :)

Anne W said...

It's too bad farmer's market season is ending here in the mountains! Home grown veggies are a must!

PBW said...

Manwich - hearkening back to your childhood????

Any truth to the rumor that baby carrots are just big carrots that go through a 'shaving' machine - that would explain why they don't taste as good!!!??? Guess I should check out

Emily said...

You're right, big carrots do taste better. And the ones you buy with the greens still on taste the best.

anna jo said...

amen, sista. I've truly been converted and haven't bought a bag of baby carrots in almost a year.