Wednesday, October 31

Happy Halloween Cookies!

BOO! Did I scare you? Happy Halloween, everyone! Don't you just love Halloween? I do - always have. Goes back to the whole I like being scared thing. But I gotta say, Halloween with a kid who finally is old enough to understand what's going on is ten times better! Cate and I made 7 dozen Halloween cookies this week as part of our celebrations. It was a lot of fun. Cate's favorite part by FAR was playing with the dough and making her 'cookies.' It was seriously the cutest thing ever.

We used a recipe from my mom, Sour Cream Sugar Cookies (click for recipe). They came out great! If you make this recipe, roll them out pretty thin as they rise when they cook. I think I could have gone even thinner than I did, but they still tasted good.

I also decided to go the homemade route with the frosting. I was tempted to buy frosting, but decided it was worth the extra effort to make it from scratch. I was right - SO GOOD.

Have a safe and happy Halloween!


Liz Findlay said...

nothing cuter than chubby toddler hands holding onto stuff. Nothing cuter. I love seeing Cate grow up because it gives me a window into what the twins will look like/be like in a year...

jane maynard said...

I agree - sorry there are SO MANY chubby finger pictures, but I just couldn't resist adding more and more to the post. :)

ellen said...

I love the picture of her hands on the cookie cutter! Very cute!!