Wednesday, May 28

Free Giveaway! Deadly Squire Serving Tray

Time for a random free giveaway, don't you think? Remember those wicked awesome hot pads I found at the Modern Economy sample sale in San Francisco? Well, they are made by Deadly Squire, a fun company with super hip stuff you've gotta check out.

Deadly Squire is giving away an ultra cool small serving tray (a $75.00 value!) to one lucky TWFD reader...and the winner can choose the pattern, which will be a tough choice for sure!

How to enter:
- Post a comment on this post by Midnight, Wednesday, June 4
- You can write anything, just make sure there is a name somehow associated with your comment so I can identify the winner

That's it! The winner will be announced on Thursday, June 5! And don't forget to check back next week to see if you are the winner!

Good Luck!


Morgan said...

i love those designs!!

Shelby said...

Ooh! Those are GORGEOUS! Thanks for the chance to win one. :)

Robyn said...

ooooo...pick me me me please please please - i promise to share the fun things i put on my tray as part of a menu plan! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm almost I win?
Auntie Barb

eryn said...

Come on lucky number 5

HilLesha O'Nan said...

So cute!

adrianne said...

i don't have a serving tray... i need it.

Leticia- Tech Savvy Mama said...

Wow, I love the designs! Any one of those would look stunning in my kitchen!

lacy said...

I totally heart the black birds one!

Anonymous said...

It would be hard to choose!

Anonymous said...

Love little trays...hoping I'm the winner!

Melanie Sheridan said...

Those are awesome! We had people over during Memorial Day and I was wishing I had another serving piece. Thanks for the chance!

ermakaluso said...

What fun designs...I love them!

Unknown said...

My glasses need something to be served on and this does the trick!

Emily said...

I'd love to have one, love those colors!

brit.brat said...

k. jane. please pick me!! i only have boring white serving platters..i need this to brighten up my table! love you!!

cora said...

I'm sold!! I've been looking for something to help with breakfast in bed. c&c

Ana said...

Hurray for a free giveaway!! Really cool designs. Please pick me!

Lynn said...

Those are really cute and would be great for outdoor serving.


Karianna said...

Sweet! These look very cool and would make a wonderful addition to my home. My in-laws are visiting this summer, so it would be great to have a new serving tray to "wow" them with.

You get that? IN LAWS! I need something to comfort me, yes?



maren bosley said...


Unknown said...

Thanks Aunt Barb for posting your rib recipe. I always wondered what your secret sauce was.

Aunt Deb

hollibobolli said...

cute!! I'm in the middle of moving madness.. it would be a really great thing if something good actually happened today!

Amy D. said...

I love those and I LOVE giveaways! Thanks!

Kathy said...

I would love to win. :)

ellen said...

Cool trays! I'd love to win one.

Bryn said...

These are all so great! Gotta get one of those for my home.

Linda said...

I love these! They are so Swedish favorite. :-)

Andrea Meyers said...

I love the designs. My favorite is the first one in the second row.

Gina said...

Love them! I'd love to win!!

Anonymous said...

Those designs are so cute! We miss you and hope you are doing great in the Bay Area! Love - Amy Fago

Anonymous said...

supah cool! count me in. :)

Amy D said...

Thanks, Jane!

Anonymous said...

Nifty, I love the trays!

house and home said...

Neato mosquito! I want one!

Amanda said...

Really cute!

Linn said...

So, so cute. I'm sure hoping this time!

Anonymous said...

Once again, a very CUTE giveaway... maybe I'll be lucky this time :-)

Becca said...

Very cute trays! pick me!

Anonymous said...

So Super Cute!!

Anonymous said...

I never win, but this so cute I have to try!

Karin said...

Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.

Malerie said...

Another great gift idea. Thanks, Jane!

Toystory said...

Designs are really nice. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Love these designs and could definitely use a serving tray. Thanks for the giveaway.

beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

All of these patterns are very pretty, but Feasting at the Berry Bush is very appealing to me.

Thanks for having such a generous giveaway!

queenoftheclick (at)

Unknown said...

I'd love this!

Jessica H said...

A tray like this would give me superpowers.

Anonymous said...

Those patterns are lovely! Bookmarked in my 'buy me!' folder ;-)

Rynell said...

I just love these!

triz said...

Well, I do have to say I know what pattern I want....or I mean need.

Teresa R

Meghan said...

OOOH! What a fabulous tray!
I am on a redecorating kick & one of these would fit in perfectly with my plan!!!

Thanks for the chance to win one

justme said...

love their site. and the products...count me in feener44atgmaildotcom

Isa said...

PICK ME! I need a hip and pretty serving the design. I hope I win!!!

Laurel said...

Think of all the wonders I could serve!

Laurie said...

I hope I can be the lucky winner.

Anonymous said...

i could use a fun/hip serving tray!

Meagan said...

I want it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

June 4th is my B-day--can't you cheat for me?

Anonymous said...

How fun! Count me in! Love your website! Colleen

JanelleM said...

Oh, hope I win!!!!!

kim said...

Love those trays!!!

Aaron said...

my wife wants a tray.

and i think i'm the only man that reads this blog.

Lindsay said...

hello trays. i like serving food.

Nikki said...

pick me PLEASE?!

scott and tara said...

I wouldn't be able to pick out of those great designs, but I would love to win anyway.

Christy said...

Oh please! oh please! oh please!!!!

Natalee Maynes said...

Ooooooooooo....I want one, I want one! :)

Scott, Whitney and Connor said...

Oh! Those are so cool. Thanks for the cool give aways. I love them!


Mark & Deidra Smith said...

I am feeling pretty lucky! Are you in town yet????? Call me

Anonymous said...

Laptop Television Mom loves to cook and eat and drink... a new serving tray would be awesome! ;-)

frugal scrapper said...

Well, I'm surely not the first and won't be the last, but those trays are inspirational! Fun, Fun, Fun!

Helen N.

YogaMama said...

Funky designs -- how fun!

Anonymous said...

Jen says...Okay...I know the company says "no sledding" with these GORGEOUS trays, but ask Jim about his experience with the RAF and their serving tray catapulting adventures! This could bring a new dimension to entertaining your friends!!

Anonymous said...

Yea! Another giveaway! A beautiful tray! Hey! I'm rhymin' with whatever I say! Pick me, Okay?
Tammy B

Anne W said...

Let it be me? yes? yes.

cari said...

Just found your it! I have found so many great things from it I already feel like I've won-big time!

e said...

I'd love a fresh new tray for all those great summer lemonades!

Kat Bryan said...

The trays are really nice. I especially like the floral one. Thanks for having the contest.

Megan said...

I want a new tray!

Tiffany said...

Those look so awesome! I can understand how it would be difficult to decide which design to choose.

nicci said...

so cute, i love them all!

Leslie said...

I think the name 'Deadly Squire' is awesome and I would love to have one of their trays!

Kari said...

These are fabulous! Each and every one. I love them all! Thanks for a chance to win!

Brown Family said...

Winning would be nice. ;)

kamewh said...

I love all of them! Great designs! Thank you for the giveaway!

ababe28 said...

Cool and convienient! That's what I say!

The Bouldins said...

How fun! With cool patterns like that, the food's bound to taste good ... right?

MaWa said...

Just purged 90% of my belongings - this is a fabulous way to start over!!!! - Phyllis

Cheryl said...

So cute.

Anonymous said...

Those are awesome! Way to go, Jane!

ostacy said...

i will definitely holler at a chance to win. you make people so happy with your giveaways! =)

Andrea Cooper said...

perfect for servin up some summer treats! i love them!

*katie said...

Such cute, cool designs!

Jen said...

Those are so awesome! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Kiersten said...

I love those trays! So fun. said...

very cool trays!

Anonymous said...

If at first you don't succedd, try try again. I'll keep trying!
:) Fun stuff, Jane,

Jen Mo said...

um, since you live in my apartment and june 4 is my birthday, i think i should win! plus you are stealing my life, my preschool and my friends! give me that tray!

Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

I love things like that! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

Please don't let Phyllis win. We don't need to start over.

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

I was just thinking yesterday that I'd like to have a small serving tray!

Emily May said...

Please pick me, I have always longed for a tray and I can already see it in my kitchen- and I am a newlywed:)

Coordination Queen said...

those are awesome! i'm sure i could find one that would look perfect in my kitchen!

Diana said...

Ooh, I hope I win!

Hillary said...

I have already come up with 127 things to serve on one of those beautiful trays!!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful idea!
just what i need - the green works well with the new kitchen paint job!

Paula Angelone

Erin said...

I've never even heard of Deadly Squire, but just based on the name, I have to have it!

Jon and Sarah said...

Very fun! I can already think of a fun summer party to take the tray to. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My kitchen is in need of new life! Your reciepes are great, but this tray is just the thing I need!!

Jen said...

They look awesome and I never win, but it is worth a try!

Sara said...

Hello lovely tray.

Kristi Price said...

Very nice giveaway Jane, thank you!

Brooke and Tyler Todd said...

I want that!!!!!!

Holladay Duplex said...

Not that I'll ever win...but I keep trying, Jane!!

Sarah said...

These are cool. Pick me!

anna jo said...

fun! throw my name in the bloggy pot! :)

Sarah said...

Give it to meeee!!
~Sarah Thompson

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane - it's me Debbie Ward from San Diego. Been a fan of your blog since you started. Just wanted to say hi and I hope you are feeling settled in your new digs. Take care!

audrey said...


Kelly said...

So cool. I would love to win one.

Margo said...

Yes, too bad you have so many readers! I want it.

Anonymous said...

I love to cook... and serve good apps on nice serving trays :)

My bday is June 6th- does that count?
Kidding :)

Like the idea of your bog- I'll be back!

Sue said...

Those serving trays are darling! I want one even if I don't win :)

Anonymous said...

wow!! why not:) this would be great!!

Anonymous said...

Love to cook and love the blog!

bobcatsteph3 said...

What great prints! Thanks for the giveaway!

Christie said...

That would be a perfect addition to my kitchen!

Emily said...

count me in it!

Sharon said...

Those are beauties! I just clicked through someone else's blog to get to yours. It's great & I'm sure i"ll be back :)

Melissa said...

I totally missed out on a sample sale in SF?!? Bummer.

I'd love to have one of those FAB trays!!

Chelsea said...

I love the fun funky colors and designs on their stuff. Chelsea Brunner

little miss bean said...

darling... yes, PLEASE!

April said...

so fun....I love them and have NOTHING like it in my home.

Anonymous said...

I deserve to win! I just had baby number four! -Brittany Riesenberg

Julie B said...

Missed reading your posts while we were gone, Jane. But I didn't miss cooking or cleaning up while we were on our vacation! Have a great trip!

Julie Bakker

P.S. Can't wait to win the tray! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How pretty! I love it!

Shelley said...

oh la la! I'm loving your blog! Pick me Pick me! ;) Keep blogging! So much fun to read.

katy said...

Cool designs........please enter me!

sweetsue said...

How perfect for carrying iced tea or lemonade this summer!

Kristy said...

These are awesome!

Kate said...

Love your blog!!! Enter me!

Kiasa said...

Those are the loveliest serving trays I've ever seen! I really like the "groundskeeper's cameos" design. Lovely, lovely.

Melissa said...

Sooo very cute! I would love one!

nanny said...

Every nanny needs a tray.....and this one doesn't have one/ha.
Love your blog, so glad in all my reading, I found yours today.

Leisa said...

I'd love one of those gorgeous trays! Thanks!

Unknown said...

How cute are these?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I would love a platter! Wow, I have a lot of competition!

coreyandseth said...

Ooo..i'd love to have one! I need something to bring my food out to our new deck!!!

Ginger said...

I love to win things! Pick me!

The Ormsby's said...

super cool! how would i ever choose?

Jessica L said...

Thanks to Deadly Squire for a great giveaway!

Gretchen J said...

I am all for cool stuff!!

CBlount said...

I love their products!

Liz said...

These are so cool. Thanks for the giveway chance!

L.R.L said...

Jane, you have 158 comments. I don't think I will win, but I wanted to show my support.

Go Jane! (and the Red Sox)


Brianne said...

How cool! Love the designs!

Kim said...

I'd love to add this to my fun dishes and platters collection.

Kristin B. said...

You have the best giveaways!

Trina said...

Beautiful Tray, I would love to win

Bailey said...

love it...want it!

Amy-Alisa said...

I don't own a single serving tray, I would love that top left design.

maegan said...

ooo, very cute!

darbie said...

I'm in need of a fabulous serving tray!

Jamie said...


Dani said...

I love those designs! Thanks for the chance to play!

Posh Ideas said...

Love the graphics, These trays would be great for summer entertaining!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! I love little special serving dishes-makes the food look even better!

Anonymous said...

I found your website through blog surfing. Way Cute and super cute trays. I would love to win. I need a pick me up after getting my yard ready for a wedding this weekend.


Melanie said...

nice designs

Peg said...

I love your give-aways! what a great fun activity. (And the serving trays are great, too!)

Unknown said...

Sooo cute! I love them! This is a great gift idea. Thanks!

Tuesday Girl said...

perfect for summer, I love these!

Thora said...

I hope I win.

Jessica Call said...

what a cute platter and I think this site is awesome!!

Jessie said...

So cute!!