Iceberg Drive Inn is one of those places I associate with my childhood. They have such good ice cream shakes. I haven't gone there in years and years and years...so I made sure to stop in last night. These shakes are so big Cate, my sister and I could not finish two. Alright, Cate probably could have, but I didn't let her. And at less than $3.50 a pop, it's a pretty good deal too. Oh, did I mention they are DELICIOUS?!?!
Is that all just ice cream to the bottom or is it floating on top of a shake or frappe?
I read your blog regularly, I've never posted a comment, but I love getting recipe ideas. I just had to say...I LOVE Iceberg shakes!!
oh my gosh, i absolutely LOVE the iceberg shake! there was a brief time in my life where I had one every weekend. then I realized that was extremely unhealthy for me and would most likely make me fat. so I stopped. :)
One summer when I lived in SLC I got on a kick of their ice cream cones--a very tasty treat and I really think it was only $1! Have fun!
I totally grew up just up the street from there!!! I remember going there on warm summer nights for a grasshopper. Have you ever ventured over to Nielson's frozen custard on 39th and highland??
I wish I had known about this place in April when I was in UT. I'll remember it for my next trip!
Dave and I were just saying there is no way we can go through the summer with an Iceberg shake-- too bad we are about 5,000 miles a way right now... anyway, Grasshopper is the best! And Nielsen's is right up there, too. What about a sconecutter scone! Ridiculously delectable.
They look UNREAL!! And delicious!
That must mean you were in Utah!!! We love Iceberg too, though Clint never lets us go anymore because he says it always too crowded--especially on Monday nights. Go figure.
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