Super easy for your kids to make.

Very customizable for each member of the family.

And they actually taste good! This meal was a staple in our early married years...which is perhaps why I steer clear. Um, yeah, I was still learning back then, so those early-days recipes aren't always as great as I remember. :)
ANYWAY...Nate reminded me of them this past week and it seemed like something Cate might like. She had a lot of fun making her pizza, and they honestly, truly tasted good. I was even a little surprised how much I liked them.
There you go, easy, kid-friendly. And, if you have a toaster oven, you can bake OR toast them in there and don't have to heat the oven in this hot summer weather. I just put a little foil over the toaster oven tray and I didn't even have pans to wash. Awesome.
This is a lunch I "serve" during mid-day playdates here at my house. Kids love it- they spoon out the sauce and sprinkle their own pizza's with cheese. They are more interested in eating this lunch than lunch I just plop in front of them.
I've been desperate and just made sliced bread pizzas before, too. The English muffin ones are tastier.
if you want a fun educational project to do with your kids, you can easily make these in a solar oven (which is easily made out of a pizza box, shoe box, or other type of box you have laying around + some tin foil, plastic wrap...) they're fun to make and kids absolutely love them!
This was one of my favorite meals growing up. It was a "Dad's night to cook" meal!! I make it for the my kids all the time now! LOVE IT!
My mom used biscuit dough instead of English muffins. I'm pretty sure I like the English muffin idea the best I think they would taste better than buttermilk biscuits.
Great idea for something to do in this ridiculous weather!
due to this and the barbecue chicken pizza recipe from the other day- we are instituting a Friday night homemade pizza tradition.
so bring on the interesting pizza ideas. :)
a solar oven is a GREAT idea to do with these pizzas!!
princess granola...it's funny, I almost didn't post this b/c I thought two pizza posts in one week was a bit much....but then I thought, that's what I'm cooking, so oh well! glad that you liked it! :)
thanks for ALL of your comments and ideas :)
We always have leftover pizza night at our house. Whatever meal is sitting in the fridge needing to be eaten gets stuck on top of a pizza crust: taco pizza, spaghetti pizza, gyro pizza, etc. You name it, we've probably had it as pizza! :)
I've loved making english muffin pizzas since I was a kid.
I love how you can customize them to make them healthy too- use whole wheat english muffins, low-fat cheese, veggies, etc.
I think I'll have to make these again soon!
I just happened to have some english muffins (as of last night), so I made little pizzas for myself for lunch! Quite the quick, easy telecommuting lunch. Mixed some bruschetta with tomato sauce and spices for the sauce...
Nicely timed, Jane. Nicely timed.
These were a fav of mine as a kid...my husband never had them before and fell in love the first time I made them...they are the easiest...love it!
We make these every sunday after church. They are gregs favorite...He calls them EMP's. He was excited to see them on your blog. Yum O!
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