I'm actually still traveling for the next 10 days, but it's going to be quieter time with family, and perhaps even some cooking? We shall see...
- Clam Chowder at Jamie's Pub in North Scituate, MA
- See if I can convince Grammy to let me cook for her
- Jack Johnson concert!
- Driving to NJ...hopefully my mama will have a lovely dinner waiting...hint hint :)
- With family in NJ
Last week was awesome...so many menus and comments! (I will certainly be perusing your menus if I actually DO cook this week). It's time once again to post your menus...bring it on!
Safe travels Jane! I'm barely cooking myself, but looking forward to collecting some menu ideas from others for less busy times.
-Black Bean & Corn Stew (didn't happen last week)
-Wheat Tortillas
Josh has rehearsal. Chips and salsa? Huevos Rancheros?
-Chili-roasted Sweet Potato Fries
-Eggplant Bolognese w/ egg noodles
-Homemade Pizza
jnjmwbcje I miss the cape already! Glad to see that you fulfilled your promise to yourself and got back to work. Much easier said than done. After you gave me your spiel about how much you love my commenting so often I felt compelled to leave a short note. See you, and your two beautiful children tomorrow : ) -SB
Monday: grilled chicken, rice and peas, peach and apple chutney
Tuesday: leftover chicken over spinach and bacon spaghetti
Wednesday:blueberry pancakes, bacon, fried eggs
Thursday:tuna salad over lettuce, potato salad, apple and pecan salad
Friday: homemade pizza or Kraft Mac n cheese...Haha!
Hi everyone, here is my menu:
Mon: Shrimp with roasted red peppers and feta (from Real Simple) did not happen last week!
Tues: marinated/grilled flank steak& spicy sesame string beans
Wed: chicken tortilla soup (yummy crock pot recipe) black bean and corn salsa (from Kelly)
Thurs: pizza night with salad
Fri: fish tacos (again, love these!) grilled veggies
Sat: dinner with friends!
Thanks and have a great week! =)
interesting holiday reading, i am so jealous you got to go to France!!!
Thursday: Cherry tomato, baby spinach and tuna spaghetti
Friday: Slowcooked Beef stew with mushrooms and Sundried tomato pesto
Saturday: Takeaway Chinese
Sunday: Olive loaf, wilted silverbeet and cheese sauce
Monday: Kangaroo sausages with braised apple cabbage and boiled potatoes
Tuesday: Chickpea, Beetroot and Leek Soup
Wednesday: Chicken and cheese pasta bake
Yes on monday we have kangaroo on the menu. I do live in australia, it is leaner and cheaper than beef (it actually tastes alot like venison)
Cheesy tex mex casserole
corn bread
fruit salad
Spicy Chicken pasta
Caesar Salad
Taco Bar
Pasta with Prosciutto and Peas
Eat out
There's so much going on this week that when I originally planned out our menu, I had to trim off a few days. Oh well, there's always next week!
Monday ~ Eating out to celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary!
Tuesday ~ Garlic Salmon
Wednesday ~ Carribean Chicken in the slow♥cooker
Thursday ~ Taking stuff to BBQ at family get together; Thai spiced bison burgers & pasta salad & watermelon of course!
Friday ~ Mac N Cheese I think. Mmm
Saturday ~ Black Bean and Rice Salad
Sunday ~ Orange chicken the in slow♥cooker
Have a great week all! Ooh and Tara, I'd love to try kangaroo sometime. That's interesting!
Have a great week and enjoy the concert!!
BBQ Chicken
Roasted or steamed Broccoli
Rice Medley
I think we're going to be out!
Grilled Pork chops with rib rub
Green Beans
Scalloped potatoes
Pasta with chicken and broccoli
Homemade pizza
Left overs
Still sounds like you are having a ton of fun!!!
Here's my menu!
Monday;cheesy chicken oven fries (didn't do it last week)
Tuesday- (first day of school and my son requested this) chocolate chip pancakes and strawberries
Wednesday- alfredo pasta with tuna, bread sticks and broccoli
Thursday- breakfast pizza
Friday- chicken and green chili quesadillas
Saturday-eat out-daughters birthday
*Oops, I was accidentaly logged in my sister's account*
Jane, it looks like you're having such a great time! I can't wait until you get back!
Greek Pizza
Beef Laab
Spaghetti and roasted veggies
Salad with Cafe Rio dressing
Roasted Rosemary Chicken
Creamy Italian Chicken
Artichoke Chicken and Salad
Florentine Stuffed Meatloaf
Mexican Pizza
Greek Shrimp
Vietnamese Chicken Salad
Monday - Out to dinner for my birthday
Tuesday - Hubby is gone, so I'll make a quick egg sandwich
Wednesday - Hubby still gone, so pancakes? (TBD)
Thursday - I'm going to try the Beer Can Chicken thing I saw on "The Next Food Nework Star"
Friday - leftover chicken
Saturday - Family over for dinner following daughter's birhday party, so either Mexican Casserole or Chicken Spaghetti Casserole
Sunday - TBD. I normally plan my menus on Fridays!
Hi! i am new...but have been reading for quite some time! hopefully I can loan an idea or two out!!
Mon- Hamburger Pot Pie/salad
Tues- Manicotti/ french bread
Wed- orange pulled pork sandwiches
Thurs- I work, that means cereal
Fri- Chicken Salad, tomatillo dressing
Sat- French Bread Sandwiches/ jello salad
Sun- roast w/ potatoes, carrots, green bean, and rolls
Thanks for all your ideas!!
as always, thank you for your comments and menus! :)
kangaroo?!? never knew people ate kangaroo...you learn something new every day!
hello anonymous friend...orange pulled pork? do you have a recipe? that sounds intriguing for sure...
I’ve been slacking on menus lately because we’ve been so busy for the past few weeks. I can't believe it's already Tuesday!
-Leftover crab quiche from our weekend in the San Juans
-Tomato and cucumber salad with sweet white vinaigrette
-Grilled chicken spinach salad with mini farfalle, nectarines and candied walnuts; balsamic vinaigrette
-Aloha burgers with pineapple salsa
-Mixed greens
-BBQ Shrimp
-Sautéed peppers
-Short grain brown rice
-On the road to Portland for the weekend.
-Annual summer luau with friends.
-On the road back to Seattle.
I'm behind a day already - and have calls for work scheduled in the evenings (with Australia, maybe they will be eating kangaroo as we speak!) so a few quick & easy
Monday - frozen pizza, fresh mozz & tomato salad
Tuesday - grilled chicken, green beans, cous cous
Wednesday - more pizza (inlaws coming to visit) and mozz&tomato salad
Thursday - will be on the road traveling ... stopping somewhere!
Friday - at my Dad's house - hot wings or fish fry!
Saturday - my sister's baby shower, nice soup and sandwiches and cake! Yum!
Hi Jane! We'd love to see you and the family when you are in NJ. The whole Pagnani family is on vacation at Belmar NJ this week, but we return on Saturday. If you have any time to spare, we'd love to see you. If not, totally understand and enjoy your time in good old LV!!!
OMG! I LIVE in Scituate!!! How do you know about Jamie's? The world is a pea! Too bad I missed a few days....Anyway, lucky me and 3 year old daughter are off to PAris TOMORROW! Thanks for the awesome posts.
how can I NOT know about jamie's? :) it's been a family fave forever (both of my hubby's grandparents are from cohasset). I'm just bummed I forgot to take a picture of the chowder...but it was too good to not dive into ASAP! :) have a fabulous time in paris - I'm jealous!
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