Sunday, August 31

Week 84 Menu

THESE are my greatest weakness...and tonight I succumbed. Warm cookies, about 10 minutes after they've come out of the oven. I wish I could resist, but I just can't. I need a support group. Or maybe I just need to stop making the cookies. Yeah, right.

Your menus are always great inspiration as I plan. Thank you for always sharing! I need to mix things up a bit, so I'm going to start stealing ideas for things I haven't cooked before. SOOOO...if I steal one of your menu items from a previous week and you have any tips/recipes I should know about, please share!

- Tacos

- Green Noodles (recipe to come!)

- Carmelized Onion and Roasted Red Pepper Pasta (Kate - how do you prepare this?)

- Leftovers

- Greek pitas (Thanks, Hillary! Whole wheat pitas from TJ’s filled with grilled chicken, TJ’s tzatziki (Hillary's favorite) and greek salad)

- Eat out

- Orange chicken
- Rice
- Spinach Salad with something yummy mixed in
- No, we haven't had Orange Chicken 3 Sundays in a row...I just keep not making it because I'm LAZY. I suppose it makes for easy planning, this way!

Okay, friends...ready, set, go menus!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a good week. looking forward to the recipes.( Can you link to the orange chicken? ).


Kiasa said...

Wow, those look delicious! Thanks for the inspiration. Now that summer is ending I need to get back to regular menu planning. Excited to try some of your recipes again.

Anonymous said...

This is our menu this week...but like always it will usually change...

monday-turkey meatloaf muffins, salad

tuesday-veg lasagna
wednesday-veg lasagna leftovers

thursday-we usually grill..hotdogs, corn, and some homemade baked beans

friday-chicken cobb salad
saturday-grilled bbq pizza
sunday-eating out...

Kate said...

Here's our plan for this week:
Monday- Grilled Chicken Burgers, Potato Salad
Tuesday-Sesame Noodle Salad
Thursday-Crockpot Salsa Chicken, Cilantro Lime Brown Rice
Friday-Homemade Pizza and Salad
Saturday- Buttermilk Herb Grilled Chicken with Roasted Veggies, Feta and Couscous

Laura said...

I try to stick to our menu but it usually changes too... Here it goes...

Sunday - Sweet and Sour Chicken over Sticky Rice and tempura veggies

Mon - BBQ at the in laws

Tues - Ravioli's?

Wed - Chicken Enchiladas

Thurs - Left Overs

Fri - breakfast for dinner (crepes)

Sat - Eat Out

Anonymous said...

I feel like the last two weeks have been a blur... so I think there are some repeats!
Mon- grilled hot dogs. homemade mac-n-cheese, jello salad
Tues- chicken quesadillas, spanish rice
Wed- Bakes potatoe Bar, green salad
Thur- leftovers, or cereal...I am at work
Fri- Orange Chicken, fried rice
Sat- taco salad
Sun- Breakfast casserole, scones

Candice said...

This is such a great blog!

Here's whats for diner at our house this week:

Sun- Cream cheese chicken over bowtie pasta with salad

Mon- Roasted chicken nachos with green chile cheese sauce

Tues- Shredded beef tostadas

Wed- Hawaiian chicken (cooked chicken breasts, pineapple, BBQ sauce and rice, in casserole form)

Thurs- Grilled cheese and tomato soup

Fri- Pizza

Saturday- out

Candice said...

dinner/diner, same difference :)

jane maynard said... on the name "orange chicken" in my menu and it will take you to the main dishes recipes'll need to scroll down and find it. (I'll be updating how I organize the recipes this month so it will be way easier to find them!)

Rynell said...

Mon: BBQ
Tues: Fresh tomato sauce over whole wheat pasta
Wed: Nachos with everything
Thurs: Orange chicken, brown rice, steamed vegetables
Fri: BLTs, smoothies, carrot sticks
Sat: Breakfast for dinner -- pancakes, etc
Sun: Homemade pizza

Tamara said...

My first post of a weekly menu. I am hoping this will somehow keep me more accountable.
So, here it goes:

Monday: BBQ with parents (pork tenderloins, I think)

Tuesday: lasagna roll ups,salad, crusty bread

Wednesday: london broiler sammies, potato wedges, maybe some watermelom

Thursday: crispy pesto chicken, orzo,zucchini

Friday: leftovers or eat out

Saturday: tacos (Maybe pork? I have some leftover pulled pork in
the freezer), rice, beans

Sunday: honey mustard steaks, potatoes of some kind,carrots

princess granola said...

Monday- linguine alfredo with chicken, peas

Tuesday- London broil, green beans, rice?

Wednesday- Leftovers (or maybe making a large pot of spaghetti sauce...)

Thursday- DooDoo Cakes (blackbeans and sweet potatoes), plantains, southwest corn

Friday- homemade pizza!

Jessica said...

I wish I could say I had a menu to add, but the husband is eating salads and sandwiches while I'm still on a soft foods diet. Lots of ice cream, pudding, apple sauce, and mashed potatoes for me.

Traci @ The Bakery said...

Can you believe that I CANNOT find pitas where I live? It is driving me nuts...I've found several recipes that call for them....and I can't find any. Even Wal-Mart quit carrying them....I guess southerners don't like them.....sigh.....

jane maynard said...

that IS very pitas? it's not THAT exotic of a food!

Anonymous said...

My menu is very lame this week, but I will post it anyway! I'm just going to extend the holiday out all week and take it easy on the cooking!

Monday - Catfish, Corn on Cob, green beans
Tuesday - hubby out of town, so sandwich
Wednesday - see Tuesday
Thursday - Hamburger Helper (I admit it!)
Friday - Tortellini

Melissa said...

It's been nearly a month since I've put together a menu. It's good to be back. I need to be more accountable. . .


Turkey Laab w/ rice and veggies

Blackberry Balsamic Chicken

Sweet & Sour Meatloaf

Salmon with Pineapple salsa

Out or Leftovers

Emma said...

yeah- it's fall! Back to a real menu:

Ham & Swiss Cheese Casserole

Crockpot Bean & Salsa Burritos

Stroganoff & Salad

Tomato Tortellini Soup, Cheese Muffins

Slow Cooker Orange Chicken, Basmati Rice, & Green Beans

brit.brat said...

m-todd made oven nachos..creamy white cheesy sauce w/ jalepanos+black beans

t-butternut squash lasagna{from the garden!!}can't wait.


th-empanadas w/ sweet potato chips..and yummy pineapple salsa

f-CEREAL!! todd's out of town..who wants to cook on friday anyways!

sat-cereal??ok..maybe a
turkey.cream cheese.sunflower seed..sprouts {and newly added..cranberry sauce}sandwich. yum.

ChefDruck said...

Those cookies look delicious. They are my weakness too. I love it when my kids suggest making cookies as I sit down right there with them with the cold glass of milk.

This week's menu:
Tuesday: Grilled clams, salmon on a plank with mustard maple glaze, basmati rice with butternut squash chunks.
Wednesday: Roasted Chicken and Roasted carrots
Thursday: T-Bone Steaks with Bi-color corn
Friday: Eat out - we made it through Back to School!
Saturday: Eat out - no kids - first date night in a long long time!

Anonymous said...

who can resists those cookies? :)

Anonymous said...

I know we're almost half way through the week, but here goes:

Tuesday: Spaghetti & meatballs, and a side of baby greens w/ a balsamic vinaigrette

Wednesday: Sauteed lemon-pepper chicken w/ pan sauce & garlic mashed potatoes

Thursday: Fajitas w/ flank steak and grilled veggies

Friday: Pancakes with Wild (Maine)Blueberry Fruit sauce from Trader Joes. (Jane, I know you are a big fan of TJ's- you have to try this if you haven't yet; it's amazing! Also, I love the regular pancake mix from TJ as well. hint- whip the egg whites first and fold them in, and you will have the fluffliest pancakes ever).

Saturday: Out to dinner-family in town.

Cori said...

We just got back in town last night so another short week (oh and our oven is not working!)

mon- dinner at Aunts
tues- dinner at moms
wed-OK my turn, but cheating with chicken in red curry and rice (Madras simmer sauce from Seeds of Change)
thurs- sausage, onion and pepper sandwiches (from jane)
fri- rigatoni pasta with vodka sauce
sun- apricot chicken (if the oven is fixed!) or potsticker salad with snap peas (real simple)


Hillary said...

We had an extra long Labor Day weekend, so I'm not going to post a menu since this week has been crazy and it's already almost Thursday! I did want to share my recipe for Greek salad with you, though. I am really excited to see that you're making it! I'd love to hear how it turns out.


jane maynard said...

thanks, hillary!