Friday, March 30

Featured Recipe: Brownie Cookies

These brownie cookies were delicious and perfectly named! Thank you Lindsey from Cafe Johnsonia. I used mini chocolate chips and M&Ms instead of regular chocolate chips, but other than that, I followed the recipe verbatim and these bad boys turned out perfectly. Great recipe, Lindsey!

Thursday, March 29

The Goods: Toaster Oven Strikes Again!

I can't believe I forgot to mention this in today's post... like pizza, baked french toast benefits greatly from being reheated in the toaster oven!!!I know some of you aren't quite sold on this indispensable kitchen appliance, but I'll keep plugging away until you're all converted!

Same "recipe" as reheating pizza... heat leftover french toast in microwave first (to get it hot), then put in toaster oven on 'toast' setting (definitely use the tray on this one!). Here is why this method rules: if you just did the microwave, it would be hot but soggy. If you just did the toaster oven, it would be burned on the edge before it was hot enough. You gotta do both. Everyone can thank Nate (my husband) for this culinary stroke of genius.

My friend Jenn (who infamously bought a toaster oven last week) also made a good point...the toaster oven uses a lot less energy than your full oven, so you're helping the environment. I should really be working for the toaster oven lobby in D.C.

Picture disclaimer: This pic isn't so pretty, but toaster oven wanted to represent! You can see it's old and well-loved, and I'm not even letting you see the whole thing...

Featured Recipe: Baked French Toast

Today's featured recipe is Baked French Toast. While I listed this recipe under main dishes, I gotta admit it may be more appropriate under desserts. But I'm going to continue to think of it is a main dish so I can have it for dinner once in a while.

A few quick notes on this recipe. This last time I used Brioche bread and it was PERFECT for this recipe. Also, pecans are by far my favorite nut to use in this. Not much else to say except it's mighty delicious. Oh - and sorry there's no picture of the final product... I forgot to take one, but the ingredients sure are pretty!

Wednesday, March 28

Healthy Eats: The World's Healthiest Foods

After all this chocolate-dipped strawberry talk (by the way, I received some as a gift yesterday...chocolate-covered strawberries are my destiny), I think it's time for a little healthy eats.

Check out The World's Healthiest Foods website - it's a great resource, and it's free! They provide nutritional info, recipes, menus and more. They also have compiled a list of the 130 healthiest foods and explain why those foods made the list, including a nutritional breakdown for each of item.

After reading an article in my yoga magazine, I've decided I need to start exploring the world of greens beyond spinach. I'll keep you posted on my progress! Feel free to share any healthy greens recipes (you know, swiss chard, kale, collards, etc).

Tuesday, March 27

Musings: Strawberries!

Strawberries are on sale in all our grocery stores and markets here in San Diego, so I'm thinking they must be in season - I love this time of year! Strawberries are definitely one of those awesome memory foods... the smell alone takes you back to summers past, or in the case of San Diego, springs past that feel a lot like every other time of year. ;) (I love living here, but I do miss seasons!)

Now that it's strawberry season, I need to make some freezer jam. We ran out a few months ago and have had to eat store-bought jam since - horror of horrors. Oh and now that it's the season, I also need to keep the homemade hot fudge and strawberries APART or I will eat every strawberry in San Diego county, and then the children will be sad. And all that chocolate can't be good for me... can it? (Please say yes!)

Monday, March 26

Guest Blogger: Chippin' & Dippin' with Emily

It's a big day here at This Week for Dinner... I'm happy to present my first guest blogger, Emily Wignall! Emily is a great friend and is also the reason this blog even exists... I didn't know blog from fog before Emily introduced me to this fun world. Emily is awesome - smart, stylish, good cook and entertainer, you name it. I'm so happy she is contributing - enjoy!

* * * * * * *

I’m honored to be the first guest blogger for This Week for Dinner! Jane is practically my next-door-neighbor...I am one of the lucky few who can just drop-in and make sure she is really making what her blog claims.

I don’t have a lot of food knowledge to dispense; however, I have 2 food loves I constantly work at pairing up and perfecting.

My favorite food isn’t something I make, it doesn’t have to be refrigerated, baked, microwaved, thawed, grilled, broiled, or mashed. I LOVE crackers & chips. Wheat, white, cheese, bbq, tortilla, garlic, graham, with sesame seeds, fish-shaped, round, rectangular, square...I don’t care. I even like those crackers with the fake cheese sandwiched in between.

My second favorite food...dip. I’m not picky here either – spinach, cheese, sour cream, salsa, artichoke, marinara, hummus...

If I lived by myself, I am sure that I would live on a diet of various crackers, chips and dips. However, I live with my handsome husband and sweet baby girl, and they prefer to have a more well-rounded diet, so I will share just a few of my favorites which you can use as side dishes to Jane’s yummy recipes.

For a Mexican or Spanish food night, serve Corn Salsa w/ Tortilla Chips (My favorite is Tostitos Hint of Lime).

Go Italian! This Focaccia Bread from Martha Stewart is hard-work, but well worth the 4 hours of waiting. You can top it with cheese and dip in marinara, or just serve warm with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Each year during the Christmas season you will find men, women and children in my hometown anxiously awaiting the arrival of…my mom’s cheese ball. My mom doesn’t give away cookies or candy or carols – she prefers cheese. Last year my mom conjured up the Spinach Pepperjack Cheese Ball. Serve this cheese ball with your favorite crackers.

My final contribution isn’t technically a chip and is more like a chip and dip combined into one delectable perfect! These Crab & Cream Cheese Wontons are another Martha Stewart creation. They are good with or without the crab meat. I like them with red chile sauce, soy sauce, or just plain!

All this writing has made me to the pantry. Happy chip dipping!

Sunday, March 25

Week 9: Bonjour, it's cheat week

I'm a cheater this week... 3 of my dinners come from the last 2 weeks' menus. SO SORRY! The last two weeks have been kind of crazy, and we were invited to dinner one night. I already have the ingredients, so gotta cook the food! At least I have more pictures this week to make up for my lack of new ideas. :) So tonight we're having crepes. I bought some brie and a baguette last night to go with it. Oh, and we're only going to speak French tonight. Just kidding.

Song of the Week: I've been wanting to do an Incubus song for weeks now. Even as I type I still can't decide which one. I like their music a lot, but I REALLY love the lead singer's voice. Okay, I'm going to choose now: "Dig" it is. This is probably the most "hard-core" band in the "Song of the Week" list so far, but this song isn't hard-core at all, I promise. I'll keep the other 2 Incubus faves in my back pocket for another week.

Have a great week!

Week 9 Menu

- Kitchen Sink Quesadillas
- Guacomole & Chips

- Corn Chowder
- Whole Wheat Bread

- Chili Chicken Skewers
- Rice with Cilantro Pesto
- Asparagus or Chunky Banana Sweet Potato Mash

- Leftover Night

- Lemon Crusted Chicken
- Side veggie (TBD)
- Mashed potatoes

- Oriental Chicken Salad
- Rolls

- Real Simple Lasagna
- Salad

Saturday, March 24

Book Club: 'Precious Bane' & Butternut Squash Soup

In addition to music, I love reading. One thing that keeps me reading is my monthly Book Club, made up with 5 of my dearest friends. Each month we take turns hosting at our home, choosing the book and serving up delicious food. It is a feast every time. Since the books and food are always amazing, I think I need to share! We've been meeting for a long time now, so I have plenty of goodness to pick from. Hopefully Book Club doesn't mind! :)

First, let me introduce you to Book Club! Top, l to r: Loretta, Barbara, Karen. Bottom, l to r: Jen, Me, Sarah. Aren't we cute?

The first book and recipe I would like to share is from a night Sarah hosted. She chose Precious Baneby Mary Webb. Hands down everyone LOVED this book. The dialect is tricky, but you do get the hang of it and it is so worth it. This is a BEAUTIFUL story, a must read. Sarah served up the most amazing Butternut Squash Soup for us that evening. We've all made it since - it is soooo good.

Happy Reading & Eating!

Friday, March 23

Musings: The PERFECT jeans

Get ready, things are about to get a little cheesy... thanks again to everyone visiting and participating on This Week for Dinner! I love all your menus and recipes. That's what the blog is all about - sharing ideas. I am also loving it when I find out people are using recipes, planning their weekly menus, buying toaster ovens (YES! my friend actually went and bought a toaster oven after reading this post). Anyway, thanks everybody! Okay, I'm done, no more cheese.

I've been wanting to tell you all about my new jeans (if you're a guy, sorry). Okay, I know this has nothing to do with food or menus, but I just HAVE to write this. I have NEVER had jeans that I like. My sis-in-law Hannah (fashionista in NYC) called me on the carpet last time I was complaining about being between sizes: "Have you tried anything except Gap and Old Navy?" Okay, fine, you got me. Note: I had always made fun of her expensive designer jeans. She told me I had to get out there and try on other jeans. Well, there were a pair of Joe's Jeans (style: The Muse) on sale at a boutique I happened upon, so I thought I would just try them on, mostly hoping to prove they really weren't any better. Unfortunately they were. I had Christmas money that would cover the cost (almost), so after 3, yes 3, visits to the boutique, I finally decided to buy the jeans (and literally was shaking when I did). Yes, I am crazy. Anyway, THEY RULE. Hannah was right.

Moral of the story: Every girl deserves at least 1 pair of jeans that they love. There is a pair that fits you out there somewhere - so go find it!

Please note: I'm not saying you should go spend big bucks on your jeans, but if you don't have a pair you like, be open minded - go try all different kinds on. You may be a lucky person who fits into the Gap jeans perfectly. But if you aren't stop buying those jeans that just don't fit! It IS worth the time (and sometimes the investment) to find the perfect pair. TRUST ME. (Hannah will never let me hear the end of this...)

Okay, jeans lecture over. Back to FOOD. :)

Thursday, March 22

Lunchtime: The Rachel Sandwich

I'm about to share with you my all time favorite sandwich. Let me introduce you to Rachel. Yes, Rachel is Reuben's sister. Similar, but not as greasy and just so delicious. My friend Jami (mentioned in the last Lunchtime post) also introduced me to this delectable delight. We used to get Rachels at a deli on (I believe) 2nd Street in East Cambridge, MA. Now that I live nowhere near Boston, I have to make it on my own.

The recipe is on the Recipes-Main Dishes page, but I will go into a bit more detail here. Get GOOD bread - wheat or white (I don't love rye but Reuben would be happy if you used it - the deli I mentioned always used white). 'Schmear' two slices with Thousand Island dressing. Top with swiss cheese, turkey slices and coleslaw. (Note, I never eat coleslaw on its own, but it is AWESOME on this sandwich.) Next, grill on the stove with a bit of butter on both sides. Lastly, get ready to thank me for the best lunch you've had in a long time. :)

When Cate saw the coleslaw she wanted to eat the "caterpillars."

Featured Recipe: I Fought the Slaw...

...and the slaw won. I'm not a big coleslaw fan, a few bites and I'm done. But coleslaw IS one of the main ingredients to my Favorite Sandwich, so I have to make it. Here are two coleslaw recipes for you - Classic and Fancy. If you have a coleslaw recipe you love, feel free to share in the comments section!

Note: I don't shred my own cabbage/veggies. I just buy the bags of pre-mixed coleslaw in the bagged salad section and then make my dressing. The last two times I've only found Broccoli Slaw. I like it - it's a LOT crunchier. Nate doesn't like it that much and prefers cabbage (not as crunchy) - take your pick!

Classic Coleslaw
From: Me!
1/2 C Mayo
2 T vinegar
1 t. sugar
2 T milk
2 t. celery seed
1/4 t. dry mustard

Add dressing to 1 bag of coleslaw mix.

"Fancy" Coleslaw
Fancy means more ingredients, i.e. more work, but yummier
From Pat Maynard, my awesome mother-in-law
3/4 C mayo
3/4 C miracle whip
1/2 t. celery seed (1 t.)
2 t. seasoned salt
1/4 C olive oil
1/2 C white vinegar
1/2 C sugar
1 T dry mustard
1/3 t. pepper
1 head cabbage
4 grated carrots
1 chopped pepper
finely chopped onion

Wednesday, March 21

Healthy Eats: Now THIS is Whole Wheat Bread

If you read my previous whole wheat french bread post, you'll know I was DUPED by the label & ended up with completely nutrition-less white bread that just kinda looked like wheat bread. WELL... I've gotten smart, well at least smartER. Hate to sound like a stinkin' broken record, but Trader Joe's came through again. I picked up one of their Whole Grain Artisan Breads and we had it with our stew. It had all kinds of whole wheat flour, whole grains and FIBER in it. Yea! And it was delicious - Cate even gobbled it up. yum yum.

Tuesday, March 20

Kitchen Tips: Leftover Pizza

This post begins with a confession...mostly because you'll figure it out on your own if I don't come clean. I didn't cook Sunday or last night. We ordered California Pizza Kitchen with my mom & sister, and then ate those leftovers last night. For the most part you can believe that I do what I write on here, but SOMETIMES I go off program... :) But, my menu cheating resulted in this brilliant post. Aren't you lucky?

As a kid/teen/young adult I HATED leftover pizza. Luckily I married someone who insisted on getting a toaster oven (which I thought was unnecessary - I was so wrong) and who had perfected the art of reheating pizza. Last night when Nate caught me taking a picture of my CPK Carne Asada pizza, I told him my plans for this post and how I'm the pizza heater-upper expert, to which he replied, "And WHY are you the expert?" Yes, Yes, it's all because of Nate. So, with full credit given, here's the "recipe"

Leftover Pizza
Microwave pizza until it is quite warm - appx 45 sec - 1 min
Put in toaster oven (without the tray is better, if you can keep the cheese from dripping - nate uses the tray) and TOAST (not bake) a little longer. THIS IS THE KEY. It crisps up the bread so nicely. You won't even know it's leftovers. You're welcome.

Monday, March 19

Healthy Eats:

Time for a "healthy" post :) If you are looking for an online diet journal, check out You can sign up for a free account and track all kinds of fitness information... food, calories, activity, weight goals, etc. Have a Fit Day!

Sunday, March 18

RECIPES: Corn Chowder

Since I received so many corn chowder recipes form everyone, thought I should compile them all in one place. Can't wait to try them!

Corn Chowder
From Adrianne's Mom
2 small onions, chopped
4 slices of bacon
2 celery stalk,chopped
2 potatoes chopped
4 cups corn (frozen or canned)
4 cups chicken broth
1 Bay leaf
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
2 T. butter
2 T. flour
1 1/2 cups cream or half n' half
1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Cook onions, bacon & celery, put in slow cooker. Add potatoes, corn, broth, bay leave, salt & pepper. Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Take bay leaf out and throw away. On the stove top, melt butter, add the flour so it makes a paste. Cook until light brown. Slowly add the cream to the paste, heat until it thickens. DO NOT BOIL! Move it from the heat, add the cheese and mix until melted. Add this mixture to the slow cooker mixture. Stir well and serve.

Joe's Favorite Fresh Corn Chowder
From Kelly
1/4 lb. bacon, diced
1 cup onion, diced
1 cup celery, diced
2 cups chicken stock
2 cups water
2 cups potates, diced
3 cups corn kernels
2 cups cooked chicken
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup parsley, minced
Salt & Pepper

Fry the bacon in the bottom of a 6 quart stock pot. When the bacon is crisp, remove it from pan and set aside. Drain all but about 2 tablespoons of fat. Add the onions and celery to the bacon fate and saute until soft. Then add the potatoes, water and chicken stock and bring to a boil. Once the mixture is boiling reduce to a simmer and cook until potatoes are tender. Stir in chicken, corn and thyme. Slowly add the cream to the warm mixture. Add the parsley. Salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot sprinkled with bacon crisps.

Corn Chowder
From: Kelly
8 potatoes (peeled and cubed)
1 pkg frozen corn
1 onion, chopped
6 T. butter
1/4 cup flour
4 cups milk
1/2 cup cream
8 oz. cream cheese
2 t. salt
1/2 t. pepper
1t. parsley
1/4 t. thyme
1/4 t. marjoram

Cook potatoes until tender. Saute onions with butter until tender. Add flour, stir to blend. Add milk, cream and cream cheese. Whisk with wire until smoot. Continue to cook until slightly thickened. Stir in potatoes, corn, salt, pepper and herbs. Heat mixture to piping hot, but do not boil. For better flavor, set aside to cool and then reheat.

Sausage Corn Chowder
From Margo's Aunt
Brown in soup pot 1 pound "lite" sausage and 1 diced yellow onion. While browning meat, peel and dice 5 medium potatoes. Drain any grease off meat and onions, add potatoes and cover with water. Cook until potatoes are barely tender. Add 1 can corn, 1 can creamed corn, and 1 can evaporated milk. Thicken to tates with 3T flour dissolved in water. Heat until thickening is cooked.

Corn Chowder
From Cat Lady (her hubby likes with with shredded chicken)
2 cans cream of potato soup
2 cans cream corn
2 cans corn (or approx 4 cups frozen)
3 cups +/- diced potatoes
1 qt half & half
extra milk if needed
salt and pepper to taste. I like a lot of pepper... almost a Tblspn

Mix everything together and simmer till potatoes are tender, stirring occasionaly so it doesn't stick to the pan. I also use canned potatoes or sometimes frozen hashbrowns.

Week 8 and doin' great!

Sorry for the silly rhyme. Couldn't resist. My mom and sis are here right now, which is great, and we had our St. Patrick's dinner last night, which was also great. Think I can use the word great again? That would be great.

CALL FOR A RECIPE: I want to make Corn Chowder this week. Anyone have a recipe they love? Please post!

Song of the Week: "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" by Susan Tedeschi. If you haven't heard Susan, you need to ASAP. This song is a Bob Dylan cover that just plain rules. She is from the same part of Massachusetts as my in-laws, so we all love her. But it helps that she is a dang good musician. Her voice is amazing, and I love ALL of her albums. She is definitely one of my favorite artists (I'm still bitter over her loss to Christina Aguilera for the Best New Artist Grammy in 2000).

Thanks to everyone posting menus and ideas - this will sound cheesy, but it really does inspire me when I plan each week. So, thank you! Keep it coming!

Week 8 Menu

- Beef Stew
- Rolls

- Baked French Toast
- Home Fries
- Fruit Salad

- Macaroni Grill's Pasta Milano
- Salad
- Bread

- Leftover Night

- Corn Chowder
- Whole Wheat Bread

- Crepes (spinach, mushroom, chicken and swiss)
- Spinach salad
- Baguette

- Chili Chicken Skewers
- Rice with Cilantro Pesto
- Asparagus or Chunky Banana Sweet Potato Mash

Saturday, March 17


Cadbury Mini Eggs and Daffodils are a sure sign that spring has sprung! (Although if you were hammered with snow yesterday out East you may be doubtful!) Few things cheer me more than that day in early spring when I find daffodils galore at Trader Joe's. Oh happy day! I don't know about TJ's in other places, but right now in San Diego they are $1.19 for a 10-stem bunch... at that price you can fill the whole house with flowers and barely make a dent in the checking account.

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 16

The Goods: Cuban Mojito Simmer Sauce

I'm always torn about how much Trader Joe's I should feature on the blog... first of all, they're not paying me. ;) Seriously, though... I love their stuff, but I know some of you out there don't have access. So, if you don't, just ignore my post today. ;)

I was going to feature Cuban Mojito Simmer Sauce next week, but Kelly made such a glowing review of it (and also reaffirmed I SHOULD tell you about TJ's stuff), I figured I would go ahead and feature it now! This week I had Cuban Mojito Chicken on the menu. This sauce is a savory yet citrus-y (how's that for grammar?) sauce that isn't very thick. I usually cook a pound of chicken on the stove then simmer in the sauce, serve over rice w/a side of black beans and a veggie. It is scrumptious. I haven't done this yet, but I think it would also make an awesome marinade. Anyway, when you get a chance, try it out!

Thursday, March 15

Lunchtime: Boursin Turkey Baguette

YEARS ago my friend Jami had me over for lunch and threw together the most delicious sandwich... I don't know if it's a regular of hers, but I have made it ever since. It's easy and delectable. You simply can't go wrong when Boursin cheese is involved. Given my previous post, I guess I should be saying to use whole wheat baguettes... okay, yeah, sure. Seriously, a regular old white baguette tastes so good. Sorry, whole grains.

Boursin Turkey Baguette Sandwich
Toast a baguette. Spread Boursin cheese on both sides. Top with turkey and romaine lettuce. Sometimes I use spinach instead to make it "healthier," but the romaine is nice for the texture - take your pick. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 14

Healthy Eats: Wheat Bread with NO FIBER?!?!

I recently bought a loaf of "wheat french bread"... well, when I got home and read the label, there was NO FIBER in the bread. What the?!?!? My two whole grain cents... if you care... make sure the bread you buy says WHOLE wheat bread or whole grains - and read the labels carefully! I basically bought white bread with brown flecks in it, flecks with absolutely NO fiber.

I'm going to venture into the world of wheat bread baking. I'm looking for a recipe that is like the wheat bread they give you at Cheesecake Factory (DARK, kind of sweet, not too dense, not pumpernickel). If you have one, please share!

Tuesday, March 13

The Goods: Cadbury Mini Eggs

Is there anything better in the world than Cadbury Mini Eggs? Easter just can't come fast enough each year. I love having this bowl in the kitchen... maybe too much. :)

Monday, March 12

Recipe Feature: Homemade French Fries

I LOVE homemade fries... when you cut 'em small and fry 'em up in oil...nothing better. HOWEVER, there are serious drawbacks to this method... smelly house, fatty food, cooking fries in small batches so they don't stay hot, dangerous cooking conditions. For those reasons I rarely make the effort. Last week, however, I decided to do things a little differently. I baked AND grilled some fries to compare methods. They come out differently than regular frying, but just as good and a great way to go.

PREP: I sliced the potatoes thin and wide so they wouldn't fall as easily in the grill. Coat in olive oil and season with a seasoned salt, pepper and paprika.

TO BAKE: Spread seasoned potatoes on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for ~30-40 mins. Flip halfway.

TO GRILL: Cook on medium indirect heat on the grill, 10-15 mins or until done. Flip halfway. Keep an eye on them throughout.

RESULTS: The grilled fries had a nice texture to them, were not as greasy and had a nice grill flavor. However, it is really easy to burn the outsides before they are cooked through, which does not taste so good. The baked fries were yummy yummy because none burned - more consistent. If you want that added grill flavor and texture, I would recommend baking them partially then finishing off on the grill. If you're good at grilling, you probably don't have to do this.

Bottom Line: A GREAT alternative to frying your french fries - tasty, healthier, easier, safer, less stinky.

Sunday, March 11

Week 7: Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! That means GREEN FOOD in the Maynard house, a tradition I've inherited from my mother-in-law, Pat. Of course, I can't go all green or all Irish for that matter... corned beef sandwiches with swiss cheese comprise the main dish (instead of corned beef hash). All of the supporting characters will be tinted with the traditional Irish color... green mashed potatoes? green jello? The possibilities are endless. Here's Cate 2 years ago... sorry it's not a picture of green food, but this picture should brighten anyone's St. Paddy's Day!

Song of the Week: "Heal Over" by KT Tunstall. You may be sick of her two songs that you hear all the time... but I have to say I quite like her album. "Heal Over" is near the end and I think it may be my favorite song on there. Definitely check it out. Speaking of which, you should really be checking out ALL of the songs of the week... they are all DANG GOOD and you're missing out if you aren't ;) plus you want to be as cool as me, right? Just kidding... but honestly, take a trip to iTunes or my store and check them out!

Keep a look out for more frequent posts! I'll be doing regular features from now on. If you have ideas or contributions for the features, feel free to email!

Homework assignment #1: Please post your menus! If you already are, you rule! If you aren't - share! Don't worry if it isn't fancy, either. It's all about sharing and stealing ideas. Homework assignment #2: Pass the blog on to others! Some of you are doing an AWESOME job at that and I thank you!!! :)

Erin go bragh!!

Week 7 Menu

- Lentil Soup
- Yummy bread of some sort

- Barbecue Chicken Pizza
- Salad

- Leftover Night

Chinese Take-out Night, Trader Joe's Style - all items can be found in the frozen section
- Mandarin Orange Chicken
- Stir Fry Veggies
- Chicken Shu Mai

- Cuban Mojito Chicken (simmer sauce from Trader Joe's)
- Rice
- Black Beans
- Spinach Salad

- Corned beef sandwiches
- All things green! Green fruit dip, green grapes, spinach salad, green french fries (don't know how that will come out!), green lemon bars

- Kitchen-Sink Quesadillas
- Guacamole & Chips

Tuesday, March 6

Mid-Week Treat: FRUIT DIP!

Okay, if you haven't tried my Fruit Dip recipe yet, I must insist that you do so immediately. I made it tonight and it is just SO GOOD. I LOVE THIS STUFF and it is wicked easy to make. I think I may be a little obsessed with it (more than most people). Certainly not low in sugar or fat, but worth every calorie. And if you're 2 years old, apparently it's good for dipping potato chips, just ask Cate.

Sunday, March 4

Week 6: Good Morning!

This morning was "Big Pancake Day" and my first attempt at a smiling pancake for Cate. Cate loved it and called it the Funny Pancake Face. Here he is wishing you all a good morning!

The Margherita Pizza last week was my favorite. I crushed some fresh garlic in the olive oil that I spread on the pizza, and sprinkled fresh parmesan cheese over the whole thing. Salt and pepper the whole crust, esp the edges, salted the cheese a lot too. Lucky for me it all cooked just right - the cheese didn't overcook by the time the crust was done. YUM! And, yes, you can see from the picture I don't use a pizza stone... I know, not cool, but it still comes out great so whatever. :)

The Song of the Week is "Warning Sign" by Coldplay.When Coldplay first hit the scene I thought I didn't like them, but now I realize I love them. This particular song I recently rediscovered on The Last Kisssoundtrack, the recent Zach Braff movie that I hear wasn't so good, but the soundtrack is. Maybe not as spectacular as the Garden State soundtrack, but it can hold its own.

Enough rambling... on to the menu! Have a great week!

Week 6 Menu

Okay, a few repeats this week... last week got a little crazy. But some good new stuff as well to make up for it. :)

- Hamburgers
- Grilled Fries
- Carrots and dip

Chinese Take-out Night, Trader Joe's Style - all items can be found in the frozen section
- Mandarin Orange Chicken
- Stir Fry Veggies
- Chicken Shu Mai

- Chili
- Corn Cake Toppers

- Malibu Melt Wraps
- Potato chips

- Pork Chops
- Brown & Wild Rice
- Veggie

- Santa Fe Salad

- Chicken Parmesan
- Pasta
- Salad

Thursday, March 1

Mid-Week Music: Catch the Moon

You can now visit us at!! The old address ( will continue to redirect you to the new address.

To those of you new to the blog - WELCOME! And a special THANK YOU to Design Mom and everyone else who has featured the blog and/or set up links on their blogs - I'm feelin' the love and support and it's great! And, thankfully, everyone who's used recipes so far has been happy. Phew.

If you're a new This Week for Dinner friend, this blog was born after I got a "new" (meaning old) iMac computer in the kitchen. Along with having my recipes at my fingertips (which rules!), I now have iTunes to keep me company while I cook, hence the Song of the Week in my regular posts. For all the moms and dads out there, I'd like to share a whole ALBUM with you as a Mid-Week Music bonus.

Catch the Moonby Lisa Loeb & Elizabeth Mitchell is GREAT for kids and parents! Cate loves it and I like the songs too. Whenever we are in the kitchen she asks for the "choo choo song" and she's learning cute phrases like "boogie" and "rock and roll" :) If you are a parent, you should DEFINITELY check it out. A welcome change from the usual kids albums out there. Enjoy and "see" you Sunday!