Saturday, March 24

Book Club: 'Precious Bane' & Butternut Squash Soup

In addition to music, I love reading. One thing that keeps me reading is my monthly Book Club, made up with 5 of my dearest friends. Each month we take turns hosting at our home, choosing the book and serving up delicious food. It is a feast every time. Since the books and food are always amazing, I think I need to share! We've been meeting for a long time now, so I have plenty of goodness to pick from. Hopefully Book Club doesn't mind! :)

First, let me introduce you to Book Club! Top, l to r: Loretta, Barbara, Karen. Bottom, l to r: Jen, Me, Sarah. Aren't we cute?

The first book and recipe I would like to share is from a night Sarah hosted. She chose Precious Baneby Mary Webb. Hands down everyone LOVED this book. The dialect is tricky, but you do get the hang of it and it is so worth it. This is a BEAUTIFUL story, a must read. Sarah served up the most amazing Butternut Squash Soup for us that evening. We've all made it since - it is soooo good.

Happy Reading & Eating!

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