Friday, April 18

The Goods: Swedish Meatballs

My dad is Swedish, so I grew up with a Swedish grandmother who could COOK. Which means I KNOW Swedish meatballs. Maybe one day I'll share her's quite the undertaking, but it's worth it. Until's an easy way to get pretty good Swedish meatballs...

Ikea. Yet another awesome thing about our new 'hood is the close proximity to Ikea...a few miles at the most. So awesome when you're moving. We grabbed a bag of their frozen Swedish meatballs and a packet of their cream sauce last time we were there. It's not what Grandma used to make, but it's pretty good! Pair it up with the traditional boiled new potato (fancy, eh?) and some pickeled herring and you're good to go! Okay, I'm teasing...I would NEVER eat pickled herring, no matter how much my dad and brother try to convince me otherwise. A nice salad on the side is a BIT more palatable for me. ;)


Unknown said...

I love GOOD Swedish meatballs...with noodles! I've heard that IKEA offers some good food, meatballs especially, but I'm always hesitant to go for them....

Bill from Jersey said...

Your dad and brother seem to know what they are talking about. My grandmother used to sprinkle dill on the potatoes.

wildthayn said...

We had these last night. They are DELICIOUS!!! All the kids had "happy plates" (Their plates were clean). Great website, I'll have to put you on my favorites list.