When Nate and I lived in Boston, we took a few roadtrips to Montréal. The first time we visited we ate at a crêpe restaurant. We had NO money then and this was our one restaurant meal, so that might be why I remember it so well. But it was also my first introduction to savory crêpes, and I was NOT disappointed. Dinner was delicious, then we had crêpes for dessert too.

This visit inspired me to try crêpes for dinner and dessert at home. If you decide to venture into the world of crêpe-making, it's worth the trip! I make my savory crêpes, then add a little sugar to the batter then make some for dessert. Pretty easy and very tasty. As for fillings, the sky's the limit! If I'm feeling especially decadent, I'll use brie as the cheese in the savory crêpes. Savory tip: I cook my filling ingredients prior to making the crêpes; when I cook the crêpes, when I flip it over, I add the filling, fold the four sides in, then cook on both sides (make sense?). Don't know if this the official way to do it, but works for me. As for dessert - I LOVE strawberries, chocolate sauce and ice cream, with sugar sprinkled on top. YUM.
Here's a recipe for the batter in case you would like one:
Basic Sweet Crêpes
- 1/2 C all-purpose flour
- 1/2 C milk
- 1/4 lukewarm water
- 2 large eggs
- 2 T unsalted butter, melted (I use salted, whatever)
- 1 1/2 T sugar
- Pinch of salt
Blend until smooth. Refrigerate 30 mins or up to 2 days. (for savory crêpes, cut the sugar, do 1/2 t salt)
Cook as directed for crêpes (nonstick or seaesoned crêpe pan, medium heat, butter the pan, about 2 T of batter per crêpe, butter pan between each crêpe). The technique takes some practice - I would read up on it in a cookbook for some pointers if you've never done it.
Bon Appétit!