Wednesday, May 23

Free Giveaway! Chicken Salad Secret Ingredient

Here is the story behind the chicken salad...Meier's Meats in SLC, UT has the best chicken salad. My family would order it for parties, etc, etc. Well, one day my Aunt Barb found out the "secret" ingredient that made this chicken salad so good was sitting under our noses the whole time, right there on the butcher's counter!

Onera Original Seasoning. The "secret" ingredient wasn't so secret at all. Perfect in chicken salad but also as a seasoning on all kinds of stuff, including homemade french fries.

If you live in Utah, it's easy to get - they sell it at "The Store" (of which there are a few locations). A woman at "The Store" said they also sell it at Harmon's, Smith's, etc. It's located back by the butcher.

If you are like most of us non-Utah people, you have to order it online. One of my awesome readers (thanks working gal!) found a website for Onera Blended Spices. Onera recently changed ownership, which is why the labels look different.

There is ONE more way to get your hands on a bottle...reply with a comment, any comment, to this post for the first ever TWFD giveaway! Good luck! (One winner will be randomly selected...must post your comment by 8:00 AM PST, Sunday May 27)


{Erica} said...

I so want this! I relaly want to see what it tastes like.

Nicole Beckstrand said...

I want to be in the running!

Mumsy said...

I want this, too! Awesome. I love giveaways.

Cheryl said...

Did someone say giveaway?

kelly said...

who can pass up a giveaway? so I've never tried meier's chicken salad, but the chicken salad from "the store" is awesome. i wonder if they use in theirs as well? i hope i win! i don't want to wait until my next trip to slc to try this out

bobcatsteph3 said...

A mom, pregnant, nauseous, blogging, and doing a give-a-way, you get a gold star!

I like to think of myself as the condiment/spice queen, I'll try anything! Thanks for the info!

jane maynard said...

kelly - I'm sure it's the same chicken salad...there's a meier's meats butcher in The Store, so it's gotta be! :)

thanks for the gold star, stephanie! :)

Jenny said...

I have seen this in recipes and things before but I've never tried it. Sign me up!

Kristy said...

Funny how one secret ingredient changes a whole basic recipe. I worked at a hotel and the chef swore by putting a little worcestershire sauce in his chicken salad. It was pretty good, too!

Becca said...


Jen Rey said... first blog post (I know, I'm living in the dark ages). Seasoning is a good thing; I'm always up for a free bit of something to spice up my life. Great site, Jane!

Anonymous said...

This is a great site. I also love your inks!
I loce this blog!

Malerie said...

I am a little confused as to why I lived in Utah, and Matt is from Utah and I am not aware of this secret ingredient. I'm hoping to win the give-away, but if not, I'm going to Salt Lake in a couple weeks and I might just have to pick it up. :) You have such awesome tips! Thanks, Jane!

Working Gal said...

I found it online - and they'll even send out free samples - for those who don't win this giveaway.

jane maynard said...

working gal...why didn't I find that web address? I SWEAR I looked for it! THANK YOU!

Amy said...

Thanks for the tip! Can't wait to try Onera! Don't enter me in the drawing, I live in SLC, so I'll just go buy it. I have to ask though...what/where is "the store"? I'm obviously not a native, because I've never heard of "the store".

ellen said...

I'm not too chicken to make chicken salad. Pick me!

maren bosley said...

count me in!!!

e said...

everyone loves a good giveaway!
thanks for doing this.

bobcatsteph3 said...

Is that website the same seasoning? Because the pic Jane posted doesn't match the pic from the site (I was there earlier today), and it's from Oregon. Does anyone know if it's the same? Thanks

jane maynard said...

amy from utah...the only "The Store" that I've been to is on 2050 E 6200 S. I think there are a few others (maybe murray and holladay?) is a cool grocery store - smaller, cool stuff, good butcher, yummy prepared should check it out!

jane maynard said...

by the way - I'm getting to the bottom of whether or not the onera website is the same company as the spice I have... i'll let you all know as soon as I've figured it out!

Leslie said...

I'm feeling lucky! Hi Jane and congratulations, by the way!

Kristina with a "K" said...

i love the site ~ thanks for the entry!

Jenny Jolley said...

Yea, I can't believe that I'm finally using this site. It's so awesome! I'm going to try out the chicken salad, but I need the secret ingredient first! (hint, hint) I'm also going to try out the chocolate bread pudding this weekend! Thanks for all the great ideas! Love ya Jane! Can't wait to see you this summer.

Linn said...

Sign me up please! Thanks Jane--a great idea and I sure hope I win!

Lynn said...

Would love to be considered. I love chicken salad. Congratulations on the baby!

Anonymous said...

I thought curry was the best spice in chicken salsd but I was glad to be wrong..Yah!!!!

Jim and Lisa said...

I would love to try it! We love cooking in our house. (I'm Dottie LaPierre's daughter...she loves your website and recommended it to us).

Amy said...

Thanks Jane, I'll have to take a drive out to The Store. I live downtown so it's not real close, but it sounds like it's worth the drive to check it out at least once.

Erin said...

I'm intrigued. I would love to try this.

Toni said...

I would love to win this and try it out! Please pick me!

Jessica said...

i like free things :)

Sarah said...

This sounds yummy!

Amy said...

Rock on!! I can only hope that I win!!

Debbie said...

i just found your site and am really excited because i love chicken salad and need the secret ingredient. but also i never know what to cook. you have some great ideas, thx.

Jules said...

I love trying new chicken salads. I'm interested in seeing what's in the ingredients of the secret ingredient!

Anonymous said...

I love to serve my family and friends dishes that are awesome.
Chicken salad is one of my husband's favorite. I want this
salad secret asap.


jane maynard said...

martha - definitely go on their website and get the free samples right away! :)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I'll have to see if I can find this seasoning. Thanks for the heads-up.