Thursday, May 3

Roadtrip! Music

As you all know, I AM home...and surprisingly I did a better job updating the blog on the road than I am right now. You think coming home would simplify life, but no...just as busy and crazy as ever. I need a vacation. ;)

So, starting tomorrow I promise to get back into the food groove. Until then, thought I would highlight some music from the trip.

Cate's favorite roadtrip tunes: Jack Johnson's 'Curious George' sountrack.She would have listened to this all 22 hours of driving if I would have let her. I can't count how many times I heard "Baby George songs?" from the backseat. As much as I like Jack, there is a line. :)

Abby my niece's favorite party tune: 'Wind it Up' by Gwen Stefani.Abby's got rhythm and always has. (Rest assured, everyone, that I play the NON-explicit version for the 2-year-olds!)

My favorite: This American Life podcasts. I liked these before, but they were PERFECT for a long roadtrip. It's the #1 podcast on iTunes, so it'll be easy to find on there. If you haven't heard it before, check it out as it is GREAT. I know, not music, but still fun!


Jessica said...

I seriously need to get around to checking out This American Life. I've read all of Sarah Vowell's books and loved all three.

Mumsy said...

I love TAL! I have been trying to catch up with my podcasts.

You trip sounded like so much fun! Glad you're back safe.

Becca said...

Ahh, I have to make a comment! Jane, I don't know you, but you should be my friend! The Jack Johnson is a huge hit at our house, and TAL is a must. Have you heard the one about the bench-pressing snowman? I was laughing with tears running down my cheeks, it was SO hysterical! Great picks for the long ride home.

Jenny said...

My daughter heard some Jack Johnson music that wasn't Curious George and was totally thrown off her groove. She listened to it though.

jane maynard said...

whenever cate hears jack johnson's voice she always tells us that it's baby george's dada. :)