Sunday, March 30

Week 62 Menu...and Moving!

This is it. We are moving this week. Come Thursday we will no longer be San's off to the Bay Area we go! Nate will be doing a post-doc at Stanford and we'll be starting a new life in Northern California. I am SUPER excited about all the great things to come and about living in the Bay Area. But I am definitely sad this week...about leaving San Diego, which is an amazing place to live, but more about leaving our dear friends. But, as one of those friends pointed out to me, if you weren't sad when you left a place, THAT would be sad.

Yes, that's my studly surfer husband coming in from a sunset surf. Seriously, how could anyone NOT want to live in San Diego?!?!

Since I am in the throes of packing, it's pretty much impossible to cook. Here's my "menu".

- Maybe eating at Lindsay's depending on how the day goes

- Eat out

- Eat out

- Pizza, to feed the slaves, I mean friends, loading our truck - ordering from Regents Pizza, which is AWESOME by the way

- Unloading the truck...who knows?!?!

- Eat out?

- Eat out?

Geesh, this is worse than when I had a baby! :) Please post your menus for one another. I'm so grateful I have such amazingly supportive readers who always post menus. You guys rule.

To all my San Diego friends...we're gonna miss you!

Song of the Week: Inaudible Melodies

I'm sure you all have this week's song on your iPods already, but that's just because it's awesome: Inaudible Melodies by Jack Johnson.

I drove to Phil's BBQ last night and turned on Brushfire Fairytales for the ride. The very first chord of the very first song, Inaudible Melodies, immediately transports me back in time...back to our first years in San Diego, back when we were younger and MUCH cooler, back to days at the beach, back to those fun times before you have kids and can be a bit more spontaneous, back to when Nate surfed all the time, just back.

Fun story...Jack Johnson was playing at UCSD years ago and we had tickets. Nate went out for a surf that morning before the show and was late coming home. I, of course, was annoyed we were going to be late...Nate wasn't worried because he knew Jack was going on did he know this? Jack told him. Yup, he totally ran into him out on the water and talked with him between waves. Needless to say, I wasn't so mad when I found out WHY Nate was late. :)

This is definitely the kind of music I need to listen to this week. First off, I have so many happy San Diego memories tied to those tunes. More importantly, it's CALMING, which is what I need right now. "Slow down everyone your moving too fast." That's right, Jane - slow down & enjoy your last moments in this beautiful city.

Thursday, March 27

Featured Recipe: Roasted Asparagus

For Easter we had asparagus as one of our side dishes. Lindsay sent me this link to a roasted asparagus recipe. I gave it a try and it was great, so time to share it with you!

Since videos on YouTube don't always stick around forever, here's a quick run down of what to do. Super easy:
1. Spread your asparagus on a cookie sheet - a big enough tray that they aren't crowded and touching too much.
2. Drizzle olive oil, salt & pepper (I used Onera seasoned salt and pepper)
3. Toss the asparagus with your hands to evenly coat.
4. Roast in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes (although, my asparagus were very skinny, so I only did 10 minutes...I don't like overdone asparagus)

That's it. Easy and yummy. I've been using Onera on asparagus for a long time and love it. I usually saute, but I think the asparagus seemed less oily when it was roasted and it was easier, so I'm roasting from now on. Thanks for the link, Lindsay!

Tuesday, March 25

Fab Faves: Sharin' the Love...

I think it's about time for a Fab Fave...or two...or three. I've been wanting to do a little plug for 3 sites that belong to 3 really great people in my life. Please visit them and enjoy!

The Rebuttal
So, my little bro is the web wiz kid in the family. He and his friends are always coming up with great company ideas, website ideas, salsa club get the point, he's full of ideas. One of his latest ventures is The Rebuttal, an online political cafe where bias is the name of the game. It's new and they have big plans for the site...but it's pretty darn good already...they already have bunches of smart, entertaining writers. If you like politics, or even if you don't, this is a fun site to read.

Voices In My Head
My good friend (who shall be referred to here as Big Bahama Mama) writes this great little blog. It's nothing fancy and it doesn't need to's just her thoughts on her life. She's a great writer and dang funny (one of the reasons I loved her so much in person). I'm happy that even though we live miles apart, I still get to enjoy her quick wit whenever I want. You'll love her too.

A Place for Everything
My friend Linn is a professional organizer. Yup, there are such things as professional organizers and, yup, their kitchens are ALWAYS spotless, no matter when I happen to drop by. Linn knows what she's doing, folks. If you want to get more organized, read her blog.

Sunday, March 23

Week 61 Menu & Happy Easter!

We just finished a WONDERFUL day. I won't bore you with details, but it was perfect in so many ways and I feel abundantly blessed. Happy Easter!

I have dirty laundry to clean, empty boxes to fill, moving trucks to reserve, farewells to make to good, dear is honestly the last thing on my mind (let alone finding time for food shopping). I'm just planning on using up food in the freezer this week. I still can't believe we're moving. Wow.

- Eating at our friends' new home!

- Easter leftovers

- Chicken Cordon Bleu (in the freezer)
- Rice
- Salad

- Chicken Masala (simmer sauce from TJs, with garbanzo beans added)
- Rice

- Goodbye party thrown by friends

- Goodbye party with Book Club

- ????

Now PLEASE post some real menus. :)

For you San Diegans out there...while I have your ever so rapt attention - and since it's my blog and I can do what I want - if you want a decent, used car, buy ours! :) Click here for info.

Saturday, March 22

Song of the Week: Mozart's Violin Concertos No. 3 & No. 5

This week I'm feeling a little I'll share my most favorite classical music CD. I don't know why I love this album so much, I just do. It's beautiful, I love Mozart and the music sounds, well, happy. Perfect for a spring day. Perhaps I'll have it accompany our Easter dinner tomorrow...

Here it is: Mozart's Violin Concertos Nos. 3 & 5, featuring Itzhak Perlman (violinist), James Levine (conductor) and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Click here or on the title of the album above to listen to and/or purchase the MP3s!

Friday, March 21

Easter Plans

What a neglectful food blogger I've been! Easter is a mere 2 days away and I've barely breathed a word about it. And, to be honest, I still have no idea what we're doing for our Easter menu on Sunday...that's what the last minute is for, right? :)

Since I'm not providing any helpful information, I'll guide you to my menu from last year (click!). And, if you haven't already posted your Easter feast plans on this week's Menu (which many of you have - thank you!), please leave a comment on this post telling us what you'll be cooking and/or eating on Sunday! Again, I'm relying on YOU for the inspiration. And please share recipes if you have them!

Now, have a Cadbury Mini Egg on me!

Wait! I just remembered...I want to share a quick recipe with you. Reader Michelle posted this last year for Easter - SUPER EASY, SUPER DELISH. There, I feel like I've done my job. :)

From TWFD reader Michelle
If you are looking for a yummy potato recipe, we have one we use for holidays that is divine. Buy frozen, shredded hash brown potatoes, put a layer in a baking dish, sprinkle salt over the potatoes, continue layering potatoes and salt until dish is 3/4 full. Pour heavy cream over all until potatoes are not quite covered. Bake at about 300 degrees for several hours until done. They will be golden brown and a little crunchy on top but creamy and yummy under the crust. If you are using a dish the size of a 9 x 13 cake pan, you will use about 3 cups of cream.

Wednesday, March 19

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Nate is officially Dr. Maynard. Woo-hoo! Congratulations, Nate!

Monday and Tuesday were a blast with all the defending and celebrating going on. Sadly I am now sick. I'm starting to feel better and wanted you to know I have some posts planned...but today just needs to be a sick day.

But who am I kidding? Food is NOTHING the week your husband gets his PhD. :)

Sunday, March 16

Week 60 Menu & Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I usually go crazy on St. Patrick's Day...all of our food is french fries, green salad, green fruit dip, green mashed potatoes, green rice krispie treats, green name it, I've turned it green...although, I've yet to figure out green corned beef!

This year, however, St. Patrick's Day is also graduation! Tomorrow, Nate will have the luck o' the Irish on his side as he defends his PhD Thesis, "Allele-specific Gene Regulation in Humans." What? I'm sure it will be fascinating and I am so excited for him! We're going to have a little dessert party tomorrow night with friends...where I'll pull out the green desserts, of course. Go Nate!

I can't even think about menus right now. Which is why this week's menu is LAME. I need to start packing since we're moving so soon...maybe I should pack my kitchen first so I CAN'T cook. Last night, Nate was saying that me having a food blog is like him (the scientist) having a painting blog. Ha ha ha ha...

- Going out to a restaurant to celebrate!

- Lentil Soup (click on the link and scroll almost to the bottom...a delicious and easy recipe)

- Leftovers (which means, more soup.)

- Pizza

- Pasta

- Eat out

- Easter Sunday...I'll post the Easter dinner menu later this week!

PLEASE share menus the next few weeks. I need you to inspire each other since I'm a loser.

Okay, one more time...Go Nate!! :)

Saturday, March 15

Song of the Week: 'The Last Kiss' Soundtrack

First off, I didn't realize how powerful my word is...after I made Hallelujah the Song of the Week, it became the #1 downloaded song on iTunes. Wow. I'm amazing. Okay, maybe American Idol is the reason it hit #1, but maybe not...

This week's Song of the Week is actually a whole album because I just can't settle on one song! If you haven't listened to 'The Last Kiss' movie soundtrack, you should! I've had it for quite a while and, for some reason, have only shared it with Nate in the last few weeks. He likes it just as much as I do. It's gotten me through many a night slaving away in the kitchen. And, yes, Zach Braff is on the cover of the album, just like last week. The dude has good taste in music, what can I say?

I WILL tell you which songs I especially like on the album.

MOST favorite songs:
Warning Sign by Coldplay (which appeared previously as a Song of the Week and is my most favorite Coldplay song)
Paper Bag by Fiona Apple (which I loved before I got this soundtrack)
Paperweight by Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk (this song is BEAUTIFUL...albeit a bit "romantic," if you catch my drift...)

Second most favorite songs:
Chocolate by Snow Patrol
Hold You In My Arms by Ray LaMontagne
Star Mile by Joshua Radin

Nate's favorite song on the album:
Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk by Rufus Wainwright

I honestly like every song on the album, however. You should listen to them all! (Click here and scroll down a bit on the page to preview all the songs.)

Quick note: For some reason you can only buy this soundtrack on CD through Amazon, not as an MP3. SO...if you want to get the whole album in MP3 format in one fell swoop, you'll have to go to iTunes. However, all of the songs listed above (except Paperweight) WILL link to individual MP3s on Amazon.

Quick note #2: I haven't actually seen this movie, so if you decide to watch it because of this post and it stinks, it's not my fault.

Now - GO LISTEN! These songs are great.

Wednesday, March 12

Kitchen Tips: Chopping Basil

First off, I apologize for my lack of posts this week...with Nate's PhD defense fast approaching and my own freelance work picking up on top of that, I've been a bit neglectful of my TWFD friends! Please stay patient the next few weeks - I'll try to post as much as I can!

Today's tip is another one of those things I should have figured out LONG ago but only discovered in the last few years. I used to tear up my basil by hand whenever I made pizza...or just chopped it very poorly. Then one day I discovered a great way to chop it is NOT an original idea, but it sure made life easier. So, if you're like me and haven't yet put 2 and 2 together, this post should be helpful!

How to cut up basil the awesome way:

Stack your leaves.

Roll them up.

"Slice" the basil roll.


If you need your basil even more chopped, just run your knife through the sliced roll the opposite direction a few times, before you fluff it and turn it into pretty ticker-tape confetti.

Compliments to the amazing one-handed basil chopper for modeling. Okay, the other hand was holding the camera...sorry there were no real action shots. Kind of tricky with only two hands. :)

Sunday, March 9

Week 59 Menu (& Slicing Fresh Mozzarella)

I love fresh mozzarella. It's pretty much all I use on our pizzas nowadays. And I can make myself sick eating caprese salad. But I tend to mangle the cheese when I slice it. Quick side note - Cate loves Rachael Ray. It's hilarious. I asked her why she likes her so much and Cate responded, "Because she's nice." So cute. While Cate was watching an episode of 30-Minute Meals one day, I overheard Rachael give a great tip for slicing fresh mozzarella - use a serrated knife. DUH! Don't know why I never thought of that myself, but it definitely helps. It would probably work well on other softer cheeses as well.

Here's the menu. It's another crazy week. Actually, this whole month is crazy, but fun and exciting, too. One week and one day until Nate's defense! And this week we should get our apartment up near Stanford squared away - yea! What a mix of emotions right busy, so stressed, so excited, so sad to leave San Diego. If I start talking crazy talk on here, please forgive me. :)

- Omelettes
- Fruit

- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Good crusty bread

- Mac & Cheese
- Salad

- Book Club at Jen's

- Leftovers

- Eat out - family arrives for the Nate's PhD defense!

- Family in town...and the night before the defense...can't decide what we're going to do yet!

Thank you all for your great menus every week! I didn't respond to anyone's comments/menus last week. Please know that I read them all and use them for inspiration. As always, I was so happy to see people posting menus for the first time! And thank you for the PhD congratulations some of you left in your comments! :) Have a great week, everyone!

Saturday, March 8

Song of the Week: Hallelujah

Confession: we watch American Idol. I even vote. So embarrassing. But I would hazard to guess most of YOU are watching and voting too, so I'm in good company, right?

One of our favorite guys this season is Jason Castro. One of the reasons we like him is because he picks good, interesting songs. This week was no exception - he sang Hallelujah, originally a Leonard Cohen song. Randy & Simon talked about how their favorite version of the song was by Jeff Buckley. They also thought Jason did an amazing job, which he did.

As he was singing the song, I felt like it was in a movie or something that I really like...I did a little investigating and BINGO! It was on my most favorite Scrubs episode ever (one of the first episodes, My Old Lady, which you can download on made me cry both times I saw it). That version of Hallelujah was done by John Cale. The song was perfect in this episode. I think it would be perfect for my next American Idol audition, too. Maybe I'll actually make it through this time! That is a JOKE, people.

The entire Scrubs soundtrack that Hallelujah is on is pretty cool. Yes, it was released 6 years ago, so maybe not the newest music, but I really like a lot of the songs on there. Definitely worth checking out.

Be sure to click on the names of the songs/artists to hear samples! You can also buy the DRM-free MP3s on Amazon, which means you can put the song on as many computers as you want.

Thursday, March 6

Chocolate Lava...What Could Be Better?

Today's featured recipe is one of my most favorite recipes ever - Mini Molten Chocolate Cakes. Oh so good. Better than any lava cake I've had at any restaurant, except Rialto in Harvard Square, although it looks like the lava cakes are no longer on the menu. SO SAD. It is still an excellent restaurant. I mean excellent.

Okay, focus Jane, back to the recipe. It comes from the Better Homes & Gardens New Baking Book. It's way gourmet but super easy to make. Definitely one of my favorite desserts. Of course this is coming from a person who doesn't eat dessert unless chocolate is involved...and my tolerance for rich chocolate desserts is OFF THE CHARTS. But that means I'm picky about my chocolate, and these cakes get an A+. Click on over to the Recipes-Sweet Things and scroll to the bottom of the page for the recipe.

A few quick notes:

Before I had my KitchenAid I would just use my hand mixer to beat the egg mixture. That worked just fine...but the KitchenAid is pretty awesome at getting the eggs oh so light and fluffy.

The recipe calls for melting the chocolate & butter in a heavy pan on low heat, but I usually use a double boiler (pyrex bowl over slowly simmering water). I trust myself more this way...less chance of me burning the chocolate. Also, you can just use chocolate chips - they taste great. I'm sure fancy chocolate would taste even better, but the chocolate chips work very well. If I wasn't the cook, I would never guess it wasn't the highest quality chocolate being used.

I use 6 small Crate & Barrel ramekins for this recipe. It's the perfect ramekin:batter ratio. Don't forget to butter and sugar the ramekins before pouring in the batter. When you invert your cakes onto plates after cooling, they'll come out pretty nicely (sometimes you need a knife to loosen them around the edges a bit first). The sugar also gives the cakes a nice outer edge.

The only tricky part is taking them out of the oven at the right time. I used to always cook them too long, turning them into plain old cakes, no molteness to be found. Now I tend cook them too short, making them too reminiscent of a real live volcano. It you find that happy medium, you end up with the perfect amount of molten goodness. The edges should looked cooked and the center should be firm, but not as cooked as the edges. You just need to experiment with your oven to get it right. The picture here is of a lava cake that is NOT cooked enough. Hopefully that can help you gauge correctly! I know, so helpful. Sorry! If you don't cook them long enough, inverting them onto a plate will be disastrous...still tasty, but not so pretty. We usually just eat them right of the ramekins, anyway...less dishes to wash. And, unless you burn them or completely undercook them, they are still mighty good even if they're not perfect.

I've been wanting to share these cakes with you for some time. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 4

Pretty Easter Centerpiece

My good friend and neighbor Adrianne has done yet another beautiful and impressive thing that I'll never get around to doing. It's a good thing for you I have talented friends to shake things up a bit on the blog. :)

Adrianne grew some worries, this grass is legit. It's wheat grass and it's beautiful. I mean, it is SO PRETTY! And a great idea for an Easter centerpiece. For easy-peasy instructions, click on over to Design Mom. She says it takes about 1-2 weeks for the grass to grow. Since Easter is 1-2 weeks away, it's perfect timing for you to get your own basket of grass growing! Your Easter guests will be mightily impressed.

And since this IS a food blog, I suppose you can always grind your grass up and drink it. Um, yum? Probably not. But anything that tastes that yucky has got to be good for you, right?

Sunday, March 2

Week 58 Menu

Yesterday I stopped in at Village Mill Bread Company in Del Mar. Their Cinnamon Swirl bread is awesome, by the way. Yesterday I grabbed a beautiful loaf of challah, allowing us to have a great french toast breakfast this morning!

Menu planning the next two weeks is not going to be so fun...Nate's final defense is in 2 weeks, so he's busy, busy, busy. Poor guy - it sure will be nice for him when it's all done! Can't believe 6 1/2 years of a PhD are almost done. Amazing. Anyway, when he's not around, it's very hard to motivate myself to cook. But I'm going to do my darndest.

- Bistro Chicken
- Potatoes
- Salad

- Chicken a la King
- Rice
- Salad

- Leftovers

- Omelettes
- Fruit

- Homemade pizza
- Salad

- Eat out

- Chicken Noodle Soup

Saturday, March 1

Song of the Week: Sara Bareilles

The Song of the Week is Vegas by Sara Bareilles. I recently purchased her album Little Voice and have really enjoyed it, especially when I'm cooking and working. You may have heard Love Song - that's a good song too. In fact, I like the whole album. She has a great voice, plays some pretty cool chords on the piano and just writes some nice songs. It's funny, I had decided Vegas was going to be the Song of the Week, and then Nate told me that he didn't like that song very much. I started to doubt myself, but I've decided to stick to my guns. :) Bottom line - hopefully you'll like it too! And, I just want to say, I totally found her before she was on TV - I swear! Just have to prove I'm cool, which I think means I may not be so cool after all. Shoot.