Tuesday, March 25

Fab Faves: Sharin' the Love...

I think it's about time for a Fab Fave...or two...or three. I've been wanting to do a little plug for 3 sites that belong to 3 really great people in my life. Please visit them and enjoy!

The Rebuttal
So, my little bro is the web wiz kid in the family. He and his friends are always coming up with great company ideas, website ideas, salsa club ideas...you get the point, he's full of ideas. One of his latest ventures is The Rebuttal, an online political cafe where bias is the name of the game. It's new and they have big plans for the site...but it's pretty darn good already...they already have bunches of smart, entertaining writers. If you like politics, or even if you don't, this is a fun site to read.

Voices In My Head
My good friend (who shall be referred to here as Big Bahama Mama) writes this great little blog. It's nothing fancy and it doesn't need to be...it's just her thoughts on her life. She's a great writer and dang funny (one of the reasons I loved her so much in person). I'm happy that even though we live miles apart, I still get to enjoy her quick wit whenever I want. You'll love her too.

A Place for Everything
My friend Linn is a professional organizer. Yup, there are such things as professional organizers and, yup, their kitchens are ALWAYS spotless, no matter when I happen to drop by. Linn knows what she's doing, folks. If you want to get more organized, read her blog.


*katie said...

Thanks for Linn's website! She came to my ward about a year ago for enrichment and did a fabulous job! I'm excited to read more from her.

Linn said...

Jane, Now aren't you the nicest? Thanks for the great plug. The only problem...now I have to keep my kitchen clean. I didn't know that was one of the rules. Oh man, I might be a fraud. :) Thanks again!

Linn said...

Oh...and thank you Katers. So very kind! I sure hope it meets your expectations.