Since videos on YouTube don't always stick around forever, here's a quick run down of what to do. Super easy:
1. Spread your asparagus on a cookie sheet - a big enough tray that they aren't crowded and touching too much.
2. Drizzle olive oil, salt & pepper (I used Onera seasoned salt and pepper)
3. Toss the asparagus with your hands to evenly coat.
4. Roast in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes (although, my asparagus were very skinny, so I only did 10 minutes...I don't like overdone asparagus)
That's it. Easy and yummy. I've been using Onera on asparagus for a long time and love it. I usually saute, but I think the asparagus seemed less oily when it was roasted and it was easier, so I'm roasting from now on. Thanks for the link, Lindsay!
I adore roasted asparagus! You can use the same recipe and put them on the grill...YUM!
Also, if you do them for 20 minutes in the last 5 or so you can put some shredded parmesan cheese or reggiano on top of them, also delicious!
I like to do it under the broiler - that way it is not overdone but you get the nice carmalization. Asparagus could be my favorite veggie.
Good call on the broiler, Sarah!
Jane, I just thought I'd let you know that at my mountain momma blog I just wrote a post surrounding music. Maybe a little something to consider for a song of the week! I followed your lead and linked to the amazon mp3! Thanks for the "suggestion"!!
I have been roasting asparagus each week for years just like this...It is a family staple. A green staple. Its usually the simple stuff that is best and just the right touch, huh? Grilled is nice, too.
I love roasted asparagus. We had grilled asparagus at our Easter dinner and it was great. Think we're going to make it when we go camping next weekend.
I am in eager anticipation of fresh spring asparagus, and more eager for summer farmer's market asparagus!
I love to roast it, while reducing some balsamic vinegar on the stove. (Take about a cup of balsamic vinegar, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer for around 20 min. or until as thick and syrupy as you like it.) Pour over roasted/grilled asparagus then top with some parmasan shavings. I could eat that everyday!
When I make roasted asparagus, I drizzle it with a little bit of lemon right after it comes out of the oven. It is VERY yummy. Tammy
Jane...here's a question for you and your food expert readers. I have a couple of packages of frozen asparagus (I inherited when a friend moved). I have NO idea what to do with it. Any suggestions? I know it's not nearly as good as fresh, but would like to find some yummy way to prepare it. Thanks!
Roasted and Grilled asparagus--yum. Add a little parmesan and cook another couple minutes--delicious! Anyone ever notice the way pee smells after eating asparagus? It is a certain gene that makes your pee smell after.
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