Wednesday, March 19

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Nate is officially Dr. Maynard. Woo-hoo! Congratulations, Nate!

Monday and Tuesday were a blast with all the defending and celebrating going on. Sadly I am now sick. I'm starting to feel better and wanted you to know I have some posts planned...but today just needs to be a sick day.

But who am I kidding? Food is NOTHING the week your husband gets his PhD. :)


Unknown said...

Congratulations Nate!
And you too Jane!!!
Feel better!

Liz Findlay said...

yeah, Nate!!

PS. You are welcome for all my help on alleles. I know you couldn't have done it without me...

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Congratulations Doctor and Mrs. Maynard! Steve and I are so proud of you. Now, get some rest... the both of you.

Megan said...

congratulations to Nate (and his supportive wife and family)!! I still remember walking to church with you in Boston one day when you were talking about how Nate was considering doing a PhD. It seems like yesterday and yet it also seems like ages ago. That's really awesome though, what an accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

oops..that anonymous was me/ Tammy

nate said...

Thanks everyone. Jane has been the ultimate cheerleader/editor/party coordinator these last few weeks. It most certainly wouldn't have happened without her. Too bad I'm not the kinda Dr. that helps people with the stomach bug.

ellen said...

Paging Dr. Maynard, paging Dr. Maynard. When my friend got his Ph.D. from MIT we had a "doctor party" and everyone had to dress up as a doctor. There were some great costumes: Dr. Ruth, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Dolittle, Dr. Spock, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, you get the idea. Many congrats!!!

Diana said...

Congrats to your husband, Jane. What an accomplishment!

Liz said...

Congratulations to the latest DR!! Hope you feel better soon!

Lynn said...

Congratulations to you both. What a great accomplishment. Good luck with your move and I hope you feel better.


jane maynard said...

thanks for the "get wells" and the "congratulations" everyone! :) we're starting to feel better around here...finally. and we are so happy to be doctor and mrs maynard! :)

megan - I know what you mean - seems like we've been at this PhD forever, but it also feels like it's gone so FAST. life sure is crazy.

Marie' said...

Now that you are moving... I have finally sewed up your diaper tote. Sorry it took so long. I even posted about it today. The one on the right is yours. Adrianne picked the fabric.
Wish you well as you move on to your next phase life.

bobcatsteph3 said...

A little late chiming in, but wanted to add my congrats to the Dr. and Mrs! Quite an accomplishment, well done! Your girls must be so proud! :-)