Thursday, March 22

Lunchtime: The Rachel Sandwich

I'm about to share with you my all time favorite sandwich. Let me introduce you to Rachel. Yes, Rachel is Reuben's sister. Similar, but not as greasy and just so delicious. My friend Jami (mentioned in the last Lunchtime post) also introduced me to this delectable delight. We used to get Rachels at a deli on (I believe) 2nd Street in East Cambridge, MA. Now that I live nowhere near Boston, I have to make it on my own.

The recipe is on the Recipes-Main Dishes page, but I will go into a bit more detail here. Get GOOD bread - wheat or white (I don't love rye but Reuben would be happy if you used it - the deli I mentioned always used white). 'Schmear' two slices with Thousand Island dressing. Top with swiss cheese, turkey slices and coleslaw. (Note, I never eat coleslaw on its own, but it is AWESOME on this sandwich.) Next, grill on the stove with a bit of butter on both sides. Lastly, get ready to thank me for the best lunch you've had in a long time. :)

When Cate saw the coleslaw she wanted to eat the "caterpillars."


cream cheese dreams said...

Hi Jane,
I just found your blog and was very delighted by its theme and graphics..very nice!!I love the Rachel. I also do the same thing with very lean roast beef or leftover roast chicken..the better the bread, the better the sandwich. I will definitely visit again and share some cool japanese/vietnamese/ continental recipes..keep up the good work!

jane maynard said...

I'm looking forward to what you have to share - yum!

I was thinking last night, I also love coleslaw on BBQ sandwiches, like pulled pork. nate and I got that at a restaurant once... yummy. Just another idea.

amen on the bread. :)

Mumsy said...

I love me a good sandwich! That sounds pretty darn tasty.