Back to the salty & sweet treat. Seriously, it doesn't matter what kind of chocolate pretzel or where you get it from (although, dark chocolate is pretty dang good). I just love them. I must confess I may be a bit obsessed, but I expect to pull out of the obsession in time (I tend do that with things, like Ben Harper music for example, couldn't get enough, then realized this week I skip him on shuffle half the time - obsession over - phew). This pretzel fixation would do my body well to end soon. Cross your fingers...but don't hold your breath.
I'm think we need to start some kind of Trader Joe's trading or something, cause I'm getting a little frustrated seeing all these things I can't get my hands on!
I KNOW! I feel so bad whenever I mentiont Trader Joe's... and this time I'm not even saying Trader Joe's is better or anything... they just happen to be the ones I have, so there they are in the picture once again! To all of you without TJs... you really should MOVE. :)
My sister used to travel for her job and she'd always pick us up stuff from there. Only now she has a different job. Sad. I will be in CA in August and I have BIG PLANS, I tell you. I love chocolate covered pretzles. And anything else chocolate covered. Right now I'm dipping graham crackers in melted chocolate chips and then rolling them in toasted coconut. So good.
the snyder's brand with hershey's chocolate are pretty dang good & they sell them at costco in big bags....that don't last very long at my house.
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