New mantra: drink more water. With new mantra in place, any tips for getting ALL THAT WATER down every day?
A blog by mom/graphic designer, Jane Maynard, with the best husband and daughters in the world who tries to cook dinner daily and couldn't do it without Trader Joe's.
I'm actually really good about drinking water during the week - I drink a gallon a day. But this is easy because I am sitting at a desk all day and my water bottle is right there staring back at me. I am horrible on the weekends when I am around the house and busy - I'm lucky if I get a liter down!
How about 3 cups of water and 8 Red Bull?
Seriously though, that was a cool little calculator on her site.
I try to get a drink every time I walk by the kitchen, and then before I leave the house and when I come back in, that way I remember. And if I'm being really good I try and get a drink after I go to the bathroom. It's really lame when I say it out loud, but it works.
I used to be so much better about it, but I've become just awful. I barely get 4 glasses in each weekday, and less on the weekends. The best thing I do is chug it. Not to the point of making myself ill of course, but when I go to take a drink I try to take several big drinks together.
The thing that has helped me is to get a big water bottle--like a liter size--and fill it up the night before, stick it in the fridge, and pull it out in the morning. If the water is cold and at my hand, I'm more likely to drink it. When that's gone, I do it again. I try to do two a day. That's roughly the amount I am supposed to have.
I try to drink a lot with my meals, too. Oh--and we buy sparkling water a lot, too.
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