Tuesday, April 17


I'm hoping Nate doesn't read this before he leaves work so that he can live in the ignorant bliss that he'll have a good dinner tonight. Today's kitchen tip: pay attention to what you're doing while you cook. I know, this is a difficult concept to try to get your brain around, very abstract, very rocket science.

Paying attention means that you'll end up with delicious, fluffy, yummy mashed potatoes. NOT following this simple advice means you end up with what can be best described as mushed potatoes.

It is NOT a good idea to dump a bunch of milk willy-nilly into your pot of potatoes. I'm quite sure my mind was elsewhere...maybe on my to-do list, maybe on chocolate covered pretzels? Certainly not on mashed potatoes, hence the mush.

Ironically, Cate liked these WEIRD-O potatoes (the picture is not getting across the STRANGE texture and appearance) better than any others I've ever made. Who can account for a toddler's taste?

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