Sunday, April 1

Week 10 Menu

- Oriental Chicken Salad
- Chicken Shu Mai (Trader Joe's, freezer section)

- Chicken Tenders (Tyson Crispy Chicken Strips)
- Baked French Fries
- Spinach salad

- Hawaiian Pizza
- Salad

- Leftover night

- Chili Chicken Skewers
- Rice with Cilantro Pesto
- Asparagus or Chunky Banana Sweet Potato Mash

- Eat out

- Come back tomorrow for the Easter plan!


Jessica said...

Monday- Veggie Quesadillas with Mahatma spanish rice

Tuesday- Honey Mustard Chicken Tenders with brown rice & mixed veggies

Wednesday- Hmm, probably spaghetti

Thursday- Southwestern Turkey Burgers with Chili Oven Fries

Friday- probably eat out

Saturday- 2(!) birthday parties

Sunday- Easter dinner @ Josh's mom's house. We're bringing a potato dish and a cream cheese pound cake with homemade strawberry whipped cream.

Jenny said...

Monday- Chicken noodle soup
Tuesday- egg rolls, fried rice, glazed carrots
Wed- Lemon Ricotta Pancakes
Thurs- chinese chicken salad
Friday- leftovers
Saturday- potroast, spinach w/ orzo and feta
Sunday- roast chicken and veg, rolls, some amazing dessert, haven't decided yet.

Jessica, that pound cake sounds amazing.

Isa said...

Jane! You are dang good conversation and such a resource...inspiration is flowing. Anyways, Here are this weeks eats...

Monday: Mexican Meatloaf w/black beans, brown rice and baby yellow squash.

Tuesday: Pesto Pasta w/salad, garlic bread and italian soda (for fun)

Wednesday: Chinese Chicken Salad and fresh fruit

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Date Night! Sushi? or fish tacos? humm..

Saturday: Roasted Veggie Lasagna and breadsticks

Sunday: Apricot Glazed Pork Roast w/ green salad and mashed potatoes...fresh hot rolls...some festive dessert...I haven't yet decided...the choices are endless...strawberry pie, prolly:)

Emily said...

I haven't posted a menu in so long...
but in honor of your 10th anniversary...

Grilled Steak tacos
Corn Salsa

Oven-fried chicken
Grilled Fries

Grilled Salmon

Chili-chicken skewers
cilantro pesto rice


Going out!

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I was wanting to know from any of you if you work from a food budget and if you do how you set your budget. I feel like I spend way too much at the grocery store and never have what I really want in the house...does this happen to anyone out there? Do you guys set your menu for the week and then make your list and only buy according to your list? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

jane maynard said...

the food budget question is a GREAT one. I will put that on my list for an upcoming post so we can get some good ideas... thank you for a great question! and of course, if anyone wants to share now, go right on ahead! :)

alice said...

Ok, I'm late, but I wanted to post my menu as a record of sorts :)

Sunday: Corn Chowder (used one of the recipes posted here)

Monday: Croque Madame (croque monsieur has no egg on top) this is a fancy grilled sandwich from Martha Stewart. I really like it 'cause it has gravy :) Here's the recipe:

Bechamel sauce: 2 TB butter, 2 TB flour, 1 cup milk, 1/2 tsp, pinch of nutmeg, pinch of cayenne peppper, pinch of pepper

To make sauce, melt butter then add flour and whisk. Cook until it has thickened but not browned. Whisking, slowly add milk. Continue to whisk until thickened. Remove from heat and add rest of ingredients.

Make sandwich: smear bread with mustard/mayo, add ham/turkey, and cheese. Butter outer sides of bread. Grill sandwich until browned and cheese has melted.

Top sandwich with bechamel sauce and grated cheese. Put in broiler until cheese is melted.

Top with egg if desired.

Tuesday: Cuban Simmer Sauce with Chicken, Rice, and Black Beans

Wednesday: Stir fry

Thursday: Pasta with white sauce, peas and bacon.

Friday: Left overs

Saturday: Date night!