Monday, April 23

Roadtrip! Sunday Dinner

We had Sunday dinner at my Aunt Sue's. It was DELICIOUS and healthy, which my body was very happy about. Sue served up some marinated and grilled chicken (click here for marinade recipe), baked potatoes topped with my grandma's sour cream (heaven!), caesar salad and a crudite platter. For dessert she blended up some homemade berry sorbet in her Vita-Mix (I cannot WAIT to get one of these, one day - they are the BEST and you can get them at Costco occasionally for less money).

I love going to Sue's house...her kids watch and play with Cate the whole time. LOVE IT. :) Thanks Sue and family!


acte gratuit said...

Those pics are making me salivate. So is the mention of the VitaMix. I REALLY want one of those someday too...when we have disposable income and a bigger kitchen!

I think this is a really cool sight and it's just what I need! I'm just starting to plan weekly menus when I write my shopping list. (My husband has never been happier.)

One day maybe I'll be brave and post one.

Thanks for the help and ideas!!!

Emily W.

jane maynard said...

glad you found the site - and I sure hope you post your menus - no bravery required! :)